Cal Poly SLO Transfer Thread for Fall 2021

It goes down for maintenance every Wednesday night.

Oh darn! I am not planning on staying up till midnight again for this haha

Mine crashed as well

Accepted via email!

Biology Major
GPA- 3.59
Golden 4- AABA
Local- kinda? the county over
Pre-reqs- Done
2 years of work related to my major

Applied: Cal Poly (accepted), CSULB (accepted), SDSU (pending), UCD/UCLA/UCSB/UCSD/UCI/UCSC (all pending)


For those Accepted —

Make sure to stop back here sometime later & I can walk you through Registration.

All Newly Admitted Transfers will register on the same day & at the same time. The system crashed for 1 hour as a result… Good news is that nobody was able to register.

Business Administration majors — I can tell you what courses you need to take in your 1st quarter.


the portal is down bc of people soft ahh

The pre-reqs are Calc II and Bio 3 (Zoology) and I am also taking Physics II which is a desired course.

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I guess the servers are down smh

Hello guys I made an account just to give some of you guys more hope as Transfers. I just got the admitted Email like an hour ago here are my stats:
Gpa: 3.73
Major: Business Admin
IGETCI: completed by spring
Golden 4: AAAC(the C was in speech communication)
Local: No, Ventura County
Work: None due to the pandemic when I applied. I was a lil confused when it came to putting down EC that would relate to my major so I ended up putting none.

I would say overall what helped me possibly was that I got A’s in the major classes such as Calc 1 and that I also took Calc 2. My gpa was mainly brought down a lil due to dumb grades(C’s) in classes such as Speech Comm and intro to business which wasn’t even a requirement for transfer. Keep the positive vibes! I also love this thread for the support and explanations some people have given, shoutout to everybody! Feel free to ask me questions.

still waiting but here are my stats because im so antsy
GPA: 3.4
Major: Aerospace Engineering
**finished all pre-reqs/classes listed on assist
Golden 4: AAAA
Local: No, Bay Area
Work: 21+ hours a week and 25% major related
EC: 21+ hours with Leadership positions

You have great stats + work and ec’s! Best of luck!!!

this gives me hope, thank u so much!!

I’m also Aerospace Engineering waiting still.
GPA: 3.72
got all required, no desired (but got dynamics)
A’s for golden 4
6-10hrs work
not local
no EC

Goodluck fellow Aero student!

u have such a good gpa!! good luck to u too fellow aero student :slight_smile:

I really hope they come out with another release tonight! I could not sleep last night lol. Happy that I at least got my UCSC decision today but I’ve been waiting for SLO’s decision for longer and the wait is so hard! lol

Is anybody trying to check their portal right now and the system is not letting you?

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Same aero still waiting
GPA: 3.9
got all required just not dynamics
not local
related work to field 20 hours a week

Yes but your work and EC is really good. My friend goes to SLO and I meet his friend who got in with a 3.15 GPA for aero last fall. your chances are pretty high.

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Nice to see so many aero students!

Same, I’m going to check all night tonight until midnight. I was very sad when I got rejected from SDSU so this is my only chance.