Calc 3 with Bruce Trace

DS is taking Calc 3 with Bruce Trace this semester. He’s enjoying the class so far but says that Prof. Trace does not post his lecture notes online which the other math professors have done. Has anyone else taken this class? Does Prof. Trace prefer that students take their own notes as a matter of policy?

I asked my DS, and he replied:

“I think you have to go to class to get them. Trace doesn’t post anything except for the syllabus on Blackboard.”

Hope this helps.

BTW, my son had Bruce Trace several years ago. Loved his class.

Dr. Bruce Trace is a genius. He’s one of the best math profs. Students take their own notes.

Thanks for the replies everyone. I’ll pass on the information.

^ #3, as they should! taking notes in class is part of being actively engaged in your own learning.

If your child is in a study group, often kids photocopy each others’ notes to “catch” what they may have missed including.

Dr. Trace is intense, but he’s brilliant. He was one of my sons’ fave math profs.

Thanks for your advice everyone. DS certainly goes to class and takes his own notes, but found it useful in previous classes to use the professors notes after class to review and create his final version notes. I probably worded my query badly! I like mom2collegekids suggestion of a study group. If DS isn’t in one already I’ll suggest it to him.

Having had Dr. Trace for multiple math courses, my suggestion is to listen intently and ask questions if you’re unsure about a concept. Many students are scared to ask questions even though Dr. Trace really wants students to ask questions and will often say “are you sure you don’t have any questions?”

Two things I liked most about Dr. Trace’s classes were that one doesn’t need any technology for his class. Test questions do not require a calculator and are based solely on a 4-8 concepts. Until recently, attendance, homework, and section tests were not required. Students were only required to take the final exam which was waited such that it replaced all of ones other grades. He’s also one of the few professors I’ve ever met who will mention that certain topics and methods which are no longer commonly taught. At least once per semester he’ll teach a method and then say “this method is only taught in textbooks printed before 1974” or some other year.

Thanks for your reply @SEA_tide. I always value your advice.

My son says that Dr. Trace likes to ask, “Are you with me, folks?”


One of my son’s profs says repeatedly, “Any doubts?..Any doubts?” as his catch-phrase. :wink:

There are actually notes banks online. Frats and sororities have their own exclusive ones, but COE should have one as well. Also, most classes like that need a note taker. I was note taker for my calc 3 class and I wrote vociferous notes but I’ll admit, I was not good at taking pics of them and sending it to the person who needed them. I started my notes on paper and then switched to the penultimate app on my ipad when the guy who needed notes dropped the class, about halfway into the semester, so if you need notes for that class later on, I still have it and can probably turn it into a google doc and publish it publicly then attach a link here if needed. I had Andrew Lewis in the honors section, but it’s pretty much the same material.

That’s a very kind offer @iamfuniswear . I think my son has the notes issue sorted out, but I’ll pass your message on.