<p>Okay, I am re-scheduling my courses out for the next two years, I was wondering if some people can help me? I should mention I am a homeschooler, and teach myself...so yeah... :P</p>
<p>What I want to know is, can you study Phsyics C at the same time as Calc BC and not die?</p>
<p>I understand Physics C is calculus based....how far would I be able to go with a Pre-Calculus base and studying Calc-BC at the same time?</p>
<p>If you have drive, you will learn what you need as you go along. I studied C mechanics about a month ago, and learned vector calc and things like center of mass, solids of revolutions and moments of inertia. It made doing that stuff in my calc class simple. You can get really far, especially considering you can do almost all the integrating with a little bit of logic and the reverse power derivative rule.</p>
<p>Thanks! I am willing to work my butt off, and considering I don't go to regular school, I have quite a bit of time. :) So you are saying I can learn Calculus the same time as Phsyics C? Would it help if I stagger them and start Calculus BC three months before Physics, or something like that?</p>
<p>At my school only seniors can take Physics C and/or Calc BC so they are all learning it at the same.</p>
<p>Good luck to you. I'm self-studying both Physics C tests in the next month. I'm also currently taking Physics B. Calc BC shouldn't be too bad though.</p>