Calculator question

<p>Might be a dumb question but I just want to make sure before I go out and buy one:</p>

<p>For math classes, are calculators allowed? I've heard that many colleges don't allow the use of calculators, and even the math placement exam said something about calculators and math classes. </p>

<p>If they are allowed, are their any specific models that are prohibited? Can I use a TI-89?</p>

<p>Depends on the course and major. Some math classes make you do it by hand, others (most in fact,) will ask you bring a normal calculator or a TI-83/4/9 if you can. It varies from prof to prof, class to class and major to major, but the same TI calculators used in most high schools are still the norm… even if the original came out ages ago</p>