
Hi i am wondering if I need a calculator for college ? Btw I am a chem major so kinda expect to have lots of science and math courses


Any suggestions on which one i should get ? Ti84 ce / ti NSpire CAS / CX ?

Chem majors should be fine with just a scientific calculator. A graphing calculator is unnecessary.

Check with your department and also with any math courses you’d need to take. They might have suggestions on the type of calculator needed, especially the math ones.

My D, who is a STEM major at Cal and has taken 2 chem and 2 calculus courses, did not use her graphing calculator all year (lost the charger over the summer and apparently has had no need to replace it). Some professors just don’t allow their use - you should do some digging to see who will and who won’t require it.

Depends on your schools requirements, but TI-89 and N-Spire are both very good lines. Even if you can’t use them in exams, they’re still great study/homework tools.

IMO it’s always good to have 1 graphing and 1non-graphing calculator. Some teachers won’t let you use a graphing calculator because they’re obnoxiously old school.

I had one chem teacher who required a scientific calculator and one that let you use a graphing calculator. Graphing ones are nicer to use.