<p>i'm gonna be a 1st-yr engineering major this fall, but i still have a TI-83 plus calculator, but would this be a problem for me? or should i just worry about my calculator problem later on, like in my sophomore yr?</p>
<p>ti83 is fine. chances are you won't be allowed to use ANY calculators anyway, except in maybe physics and some engineering classes.</p>
<p>you'll have to take math classes so I highly recommend the Ti-89. It has been some useful to me in a lot of my courses in doing calculations and homework. Also it beats the ti-83 formatting in that it has "pretty print" which basically means what you type is nicely formatted. If you know anyone with a ti-89 the formatting just blows you away.</p>
<p>Long story short: the ti-89 is by far the best calculator in the whole wide world.</p>