Calling all business students

<p>I'll just throw this out there...what business classes require the most math?</p>

<p>And I don't mean number crunching...I'm looking for some advanced, perhaps calculus :) Upper division only, please. Thanks :)</p>

<p>I’m curious about this too. Why the f*** did I take calculus II when I didn’t use any of it? :P</p>

<p>I heard some marketing classes use some calculus. I forgot the method, but it is used to segment the pricing of individual product attributes.</p>

<p>Hey Jb,
I don’t know how advanced you want to get but the only business class I have been in that used some calc is BUAD 351 with Professor Eastin. The class uses some very basic calculus(mainly derivatives), but I find it very interesting so far. I would have to guess that the FBE classes would be the most likeley to use calculus (probably nothing like Calc II though, since we are only required to do Business Calc).</p>

<p>Probably one of the classes in the finance department.</p>

<p>BUAD 306 uses a lot of math.</p>