Campus visit meetings - does parent tag along?

<p>My daughter and I are visiting the campus later this week. She received a personalized itinerary for the day with several professor meetings, etc. Is it customary for the prospective student to go to these meetings alone or does a parent usually attend? And what about sitting in on an honors seminar? Solo?</p>

<p>I did both…sometimes I sat in and sometimes I didn’t. There’s no rule or guideline about that.</p>

<p>When my D visited, my husband went with her. When she met first with Jami Gates and then with an accounting professor, H sat in with them (those were the only meetings that were set up). He also went to lunch with D and the Honors student who ended up taking her. When she attended an honors seminar, she went alone. Since there were only 5 kids in that seminar (and all female), H would have stuck out like a sore thumb.</p>

<p>We visited recently and I was wondering the same thing. This is what we did: I went into the Honors College meeting when my daughter met with Dr. Morgan, but I didn’t go into the Honors Seminar nor her meeting with a Business Department professor. I did go along for the lunch and they paid for both of our meals in the dining hall. I also toured the Honors dorms with the Honors student ambassador and my daughter. I think any combination of this is acceptable. It was all wonderful, and whatever works for you will be fine!</p>

<p>Mom, two sisters, and dad (me) - tagged along, had a great time, was driven around on a golf cart by an honors student – toured the dorms, Rec, etc.; met with prospective department heads, and had lunch purchased for us. We also arranged some time with areas outside the Honors College (Crimsonettes, Baptist Student Union (called something else now)) – great visit. D was already sold, but if not, it would have done the trick.</p>

<p>We went to all the meetings with my son except for the class.</p>

<p>We went with our son for his meetings with the professors.</p>

<p>I had emailed Allison this question before posting on the board. I got an answer back this morning that typically the parents come, but it is completely up to the student. (I may have “forgotten” to mention that last part to my daughter :slight_smile: ).</p>

<p>Is there always a golf cart for the tour??? That would make a big difference to me as my knees are shot.</p>

<p>The golf cart isn’t always used for tours, but Allison will make sure that it’s available if you mention needing it.</p>

<p>I sat in the one-on-one meetings with my son, but he went to the class alone. We toured the campus in a van with several other families.</p>


<p>I don’t think the golf cart is used for the basic Campus Tour. That tour is part “bus” and part walking. However, if you want to skip the walking part, you can.</p>

<p>I think the golf cart is used by honors for their part of the day (after campus tour).</p>

<p>However, contact Allison about any walking issues that you have and see what she suggests.</p>

<p>I have learned from previous campus tours that “comfortable shoes” does NOT mean “your most comfortable HIGH HEELS” … that DID NOT work out too well as I hobbled around … don’t think I will wear flipflops like the girls do between houses at rush, but I HAVE learned my lesson</p>