Can A&M be a safety if you're not quite an auto-admit?

<p>My D liked A&M, but it's not her top choice. Her test scores are good enough (SAT 2110 (1390 CR+M), Nat Hisp Scholar) but she is not nearly in the top 25% of her high school (3.5 GPA, ~30% rank) so she will not make auto-admit.
I think her admission chance is good, but is it good enough for us to think of A&M as her safety? That would hugely simplify our college planning.
(She will apply for Biology/Biomedical Science or Anthropology on a pre-med track.)</p>

<p>I think being National Hispanic Scholar makes you an auto-admit.</p>

<p>She shouldn’t stress too much on the essays.</p>

<p>Being a National Hispanic Scholar does not make her an auto-admit…</p>

<p>If she’s not an auto-admit it would not be wise at all to think of A&M as a safety, especially with that ranking.</p>

<p>No, unfortunately Nat Hisp does NOT get auto-admit. Though, it would mean automatic eligibility for the Honors College if she were admitted to the university.</p>

<p>If she is not an auto-admit she will be reviewed - in review the essays are very important.</p>

<p>just wondering…What is her top choice? I think she has a good chance at A&M great SAT score,hopefully her GPA is good, and she should get in.</p>

<p>TheCrookedOne, are you sure that being NHS makes you auto admit for Honors at TAMU? Since they changed the criteria and application process, I don’t even think that being NMF makes you an Honors auto admit. It is now a holistic review of the application. Only about 400 freshman get in to Honors, and as far as I know, there are NO honors auto admits (although people on CC suspect that NMF are auto-admits, I don’t believe that is the actual policy).</p>

<p>On TAMU website for cornerstone it says NHmS will be given priority consideration. Every NHmS I know that applied has gotten it. Of course that assumes you have been accepted into TAMU.</p>

<p>CLB, is that for the Honors Program or the Cornerstone Program? The Honors Program is for all majors, and about 400 freshmen are admitted. I think the Cornerstone Program is for Liberal Arts. Or are you talking about another program?</p>

<p>Cornerstone for LA, says priority given to NHmS. Every NHmS from dd hS that applied for it also got almost same scholarship offer even if they weren’t auto admit</p>

<p>CLB, that makes sense. TheCrookedOne said NHmS was auto admit for the Honors College, but I do not think that is true. We only know one NHmS who applied, though, and he did get in. My 2 got in. They were NMS, but I don’t think that made them auto admits to the Honors College. On the other hand, I’m sure TAMU doesn’t want to lose any national scholars just because they didn’t get accepted to the Honors College, so I suspect most, if not all, get in.</p>