Can a Northwestern Student read my essay?

<p>So i got an app for HPME and im sent in my HPME app... but now im doing my regular admission to Northwestern app and i want someone to read over my supplemental essay... CAN ANYONE DO IT? </p>

<p>Please no 09'rs applying to Northwestern, unless you are already in via ED.</p>

<p>sure. i’ll do it</p>

<p>i’d love to read it (just got in ED for '09)</p>

<p>^^ same as above lol, love to read it, just got in ED '09.</p>

<p>I’ll take a look at it, accepted to class of '13 at NU.</p>

<p>Also got in ED, feel free to PM me. =)</p>

<p>if anyone can do it today… email me? <a href="mailto:ppate12■■■■■■.com">ppate12■■■■■■.com</a></p>

<p>I have the day off, pm it to me and I’ll look over it in just a few hours.
I’m not huge on email though, sorry. :/</p>

<p>pm me if you want another critique</p>

<p>if you still need another critique email me :)</p>