<p>I went W, M, CR, CR, M, W, CR, M, CR, W</p>
<p>At least that's how I think I went</p>
<p>I am guessing that it was one of the CRs that I had back-2-back</p>
<p>I went W, M, CR, CR, M, W, CR, M, CR, W</p>
<p>At least that's how I think I went</p>
<p>I am guessing that it was one of the CRs that I had back-2-back</p>
<p>Mine went</p>
<p>W, CR, CR, M, CR, M, CR, W, M, CR, W Atleast I think</p>
<p>I just remember 2 CR back to back and not getting a W mutiply choice sectoin until section 7.</p>