Can fees be tax deductions?

<p>Are all the college application fees, SAT testing fees, CSS profile fee, SAT prep course fees, etc. tax deductable?</p>

<p>lol :smiley:


<p>Just to pick a nit, I am pretty sure that the fees that the OP is talking about are not allowable in the tuition and fees deduction. That is for money you pay the college. Not the money it took you to get accepted to college.</p>

<p>[Publication</a> 970 (2007), Tax Benefits for Education](<a href=“Publication 970 (2024), Tax Benefits for Education | Internal Revenue Service”>Publication 970 (2024), Tax Benefits for Education | Internal Revenue Service)</p>

<p>look here for complete explanation of this deduction</p>

<p>now we have links to the html or the pdf version. my we are thorough group :-)</p>

<p>The IRS publication for education tax benefits is IRS970</p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>There are various tax benefits for qualified education expenses. The definition of a qualified education expense varies according to each benefit. For instance room and board is a qualified expense for 529 account withdrawals but not for Hope tax credit, lifetime learning etc. </p>

<p>College applications, and SAT testing and prep etc are not qualified education expenses for any of the education tax benefits.</p>