High School and College counselors talk a lot more than many people give them credit for. Admissions have been rescinded but it is also true that the punishments fall more on the high school than the student and that is why the HS counselors tend to enforce ED rules more than College counselors do. Just be upfront and honest. If you are, the college will let you go.
Peer group schools have been known to exchange ED acceptance lists.
I agree that schools talk more than people realize. They see each other all fall at some of the same recruiting events and chat each other up. Friendships form, especially among peer schools that do those traveling roadshows together.
“Peer group schools have been known to exchange ED acceptance lists.”
I wonder why that’s not a FERPA violation. Also, wonder why it isn’t a FERPA violation for school officials to talk about a student w/o permission?
I would think that at some point, someone is going to sue a school for sharing info that wasn’t allowed.
Anyway…it must be a rare problem because we don’t see students writing about it here. We hear about admissions being rescinded because of poor grades senior year.
Perhaps an ED acceptance is not FERPA-protected information?
FERPA does not apply until the student has enrolled. At least that is how every school I have worked at interprets it.
Under FERPA, a school may not generally disclose personally identifiable information from an eligible student’s record.
Exceptions include instances like when a school discloses info to one of its own professors in warranted situations.
Disclosing info to 3rd parties w/o student’s permission seems to be forbidden.
In order to be an “eligible student,” the person must be enrolled at the school.
That may be true, however, I don’t think that means applicants’ info can just be disclosed. If I send my medical records to a doctor, but end up never seeing him, can he just broadcast my info since I was never a patient?
I suspect that the spirit of the law includes applicants.
Comparing information in a medical record to an ED acceptance at an institution of higher education is truly mixing apples and oranges.
Actually the high school can and will inform other schools that the student has been accepted ED at another school when no transcripts or any other admission information is forth coming.