Can I get in?

from Massachusetts
unweighted 3.4 top 40% of my class in a highly competitive school (recognized nationally)
combined SAT scores (took them twice): CR-630 M-680 W-720
I'm not going to list them but I would say my list of extra-curriculars is slightly above average</p>

<p>The 1310/1600 on your SAT's is solid. I'm not sure about the top 40% of your class stat. It will all depend on the pool of applicants. Good luck.</p>

<p>i think you have a good chance. miami's not all that bad and plus, ecs are important. colleges like to look at your gpa and the courses youve taken as well..</p>

<p>Your SAT score is good, but the 3.4 GPA might break you. I'm going to say UM is a slight reach for you, but if you have a good explanation for your mediocre GPA and can make up for your GPA and ranking with an enhanced list of extracurriculars and awards/honors that make you a unique candidate, then you have a high shot. However, do not count on any scholarship money.</p>

<p>I have really similar stats to yours...</p>

<p>~3.4 - 3.5 UW GPA
630 in CR and 670 in M
also from Mass.</p>

<p>For me, UM is a match...I'm guessing it would be the same for you.</p>