Can i get in

<p>3.85 GPA UW
President HOSA Health Occupations students of america
Happy Club
National Honor Society (Vice President)
beta club
spanish club(President)
literacy volunteer 18 hr.s
100+ volunteer hours
1 of 2 nominees at school for national youth leadership forum for medicine (attending summer 2009)
nominated for congressional youth leadership for medicine</p>

<p>Senior year sched.
spanish 5 ap
eng dual
physics honors
calculus ab ap dual.</p>

student advisory committee president
founded and president of spanish honor society</p>

<p>Sat; 1690
(will take again. plan to study a lot this summer...)</p>

<p>In state</p>

<p>GPA and ECs sound great. Is that SAT 1690/1800 or 1690/2400? If the former, you’re good to go, if the latter, you may have a problem. VT is very numbers driven and they focus on GPA and SAT scores before anything else.</p>

<p>its out of 2400…I"m gonna retake and should do at least 100 pts better. that was my first time, and i was really nervous</p>

<p>Well, you’ve got all summer to study for it. Good luck!</p>