Can I get into a good college with bad grades freshman year?

I’m a freshman in high school, and I haven’t been having the best year. There are personal reason for me failing a couple of classes, but overall my GPA is currently somewhere around a 2.9. I’ve been working really hard to bring my grades up for the last quarter. My goal is to go to Miami university in the future. I don’t know if it’s a lost cause or not, so I’m wondering if i can still get in if I get all A’s for my next 3 years. I’m also not involved in any clubs and I played one sport this year. I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions for extracurriculars/clubs I could participate in next year that would help better my chances of getting into Miami. Will freshmen year affect my chances heavily? Can it potentially ruin them?

I got in with a 2.9 freshmen year, no sports all four years and no real clubs either. Got a large scholarship too. So there is always hope. Needless to say, I had straight A’s Junior and Senior year, with mixed A’s and B’s sophomore year. I also had a 34 on the ACT (top 99%). Miami isn’t that hard to get into, but given your freshmen year it would take lots of work (which is what I had to do). But I wouldn’t necessarily work your butt off for the next 3 years just to get into Miami. If you spend every second of your life worrying about getting an A the next day just to get into Miami, you may be horrified when you don’t get enough financial aid or something like that. You’re only a freshmen, and unless you literally live in Miami, I’m almost positive you will change which college you will want to attend (I’ve changed maybe 5 times just this month). Your goals in life, be it socially or academically will most certainly change the next four years. But, you still need to try as hard as you can the next four years. The way you are going now will not give you options for colleges similar to what Miami has to offer. And if you are crazy for Miami, you definitely still have a decently large chance of getting in if you can greatly turn your academics around.

Thanks so much!!