Hi everyone! I’m in eighth grade and I am going through the application process for private secondary schools. I would like to know my chances for getting into top boarding schools.
Overall grades from seventh grade:
Algebra 1 honors: 97%
Science: 98%
English: 98%
History: 99%
Spanish: 98%
Academic Achievements
-Johns Hopkins Center for Talented Youth
-Principal’s Honor roll every marking period last year
-Co-Founded a club to teach entrepreneurship to kids
- Science Olympiad
-College level scores on an English standardized test
-Taking a course at Princeton University on entrepreneurship
-Invited to do a workshop at Princeton on entrepreneurial leadership
-Teaching myself Chinese with the help of my Chinese friends
-Founded a local coalition to respond to climate change
-Teaching personal money management to young children
-Taught myself investing (Intelligent Investor etc.)
-Taught myself entrepreneurship
-I am investing successfully now
Other Passions/Activities
-I play Water Polo moderately well
-I played soccer for 9 years, the last 2 years I have been playing a year up
-Love reading (Twain, Dickens, Tolstoy, Orwell etc.)
-Played Piano for 5 years
-Science (engineering, physics)
That’s about it! If you guys could give feedback or constructive criticism that would be awesome! Thanks!