<p>Hi I am wondering if I can make it into really great colleges in the next year or so.
I am currently a rising junior at a Top 100 school.
My class rank is above 50% and very likely the top quarter. I am not sure yet.
My GPA: 3.9 unweighted, 4.6 weighted
I take AP and honors classes
I do not have SAT scores but I plan to be between 1900-2300</p>
<p>Inschool Activities:
National Honor Society
Spanish Honor Society
Tri-M Honor Society (Music)
Latinas Unidas (Female Hispanic Sisterhood)
School Pit Orchestra (2012)</p>
<p>Out of School Activities:
Crossfit (3x a week)
-Travel/Classic levels since 4th grade
President of my church's youth council
Jazz Academy Orchestra (2010-2011)
I have played Tenor/Alto Saxophone since 5th Grade
-All-County Classical (2009-2011)
-All-County Jazz (2008-2010)</p>
<p>Until you have class rank & test scores it is impossible to even give you a ballpark estimate of chances. For the top 25 most selective colleges you should shoot for top 10% class rank & 2100+ SAT’s.</p>
<p>Nobody can really chance you that vaguely. Within the top college there are different things that are viewed as important (that some of the other top schools could care less). For example UChicago considers the essay very important and small liberal art schools tend to value the recommendation.</p>
<p>That being said your GPA is high enough. But you have no SAT/ACT test scores and if you bomb those your options become much more limited (you planning to have a specific score can be very different the what you actually get). Your class rank could possibly also be too low, you ideally need to be in the top 10 percent, though you still have a shot if you are in the top 15 percent. Your EC’s are decent, but not as strong as they could be, you have no community service and not a ton of leadership.</p>
<p>Basically what I am trying to say is unless you have a specific school you are looking at it is hard to chance without scores (still can be hard with scores and no idea where you are applying). You could be a very strong applicant or you could be on the weaker side, like I said before your scores will effect things. Work on strengthening your ECs and figuring out what schools you are looking at (or even some sort of idea, like ivies, top liberal arts schools or top public universities). I recommend coming back after you have scores and/or specific schools and/or more specific stats in general (for example class rank).</p>
<p>Thanks for the advice. I disagree with the leadership because I am the President of my youth council which includes leading the other kidsin fundraising events. Also, I forgot to mention this, but I have been going on work trips every year to build houses and I have over 210 community service hours.</p>