Can I handel Junior year IB, tennis, 3 clubs, and The ACT?

Well, let me start by saying I LOVE LOVE LOVE sleep!! I don’t want many one nighters…
Well, so far i was a student with a 4.0 unweighted gpa in pre-IB, but i had like no clubs; i just had tennis.
Now, my tennis will be year long since i want to be a manager in fall and do my actual tennis in spring.
Do you think that would be too much for me to handle? because i can drop being a manager in fall (I do it for community service hours…)

Also, one of the clubs (Link crew) is only in the beginning of the year and it ends soon, and the other club (NHS) goes easy on meetings; I just have to do community service hours for it.

I really want good grades and i also have an off hour, so what is your opinion?

I also try not to procrastinate as well.

@SwagTasticMe ok so I’m also gonna be an IB Junior so I know how stressful it’s gonna be and what you’re going through right now (because I’ve been stressing about it nonstop all summer lol). I think you’re gonna be fine as long as you manage your time wisely. You’re clubs really aren’t that big of a deal cos it’s just NHS and if link crew ends in the beginning of the year, just make sure you’re managing your time wisely is all. My friend did tennis last year + was in NHS so honestly, I’m sure you’ll be fine; you just have to prioritize your time correctly. I loooove sleeping too lol seriously I wish I could just sleep all summer; so as long as you don’t procrastinate, you’ll be able to get lots of it.

@catirraa lol i feel you, omg the same things that are going through your head are going through mine… I wish you good luck on your IB journey , and PRAY FOR ME!!! lol thanks for the reply; that made me feel better. I’m just worried about the ACT! :slight_smile: