Can I show my mid-term grades in my first semester of senior year in my application?

<p>I know it will not make a significant impact, but anything helps. Is it possible to show your mid-term grades of first semester senior year in my application to UC’s, just to show that I am working hard still and getting good grades. I heard that the top tier UC’s ask for augmented review for borderline students that require you to show their first semester senior grades, I was wondering if I can show that to all the UC’s I apply to? Thanks.</p>

<p>You can, only if you absolutely are 100% positive that those will be your grades that will show up on your report card. I did the same thing when I applied but I talked to my teachers beforehand and asked them what my grades were just to be safe. I’m not sure if it’s bad that you put up grades that are different from your incoming report card but I can guess that reporting incorrect grades is never a good thing.</p>

<p>Dont do it. As much as you think it may help, everyone else applying is doing just about as well as you. It can really only hurt you in that you send incorrect grades. But if you do decide to do it, i believe you can call and tell them that something was incorrect. Good luck</p>

<p>You should not put down any grades you have not yet received. For any final semester grades you receive that do not match what you put on the UC application, you will need to notify each UC campus of the change in grades. This will likely cause delay in the evaluation of your application.</p>