<p>I just earned a significant award in competition. I am an ED candidate, with apps already sent. Can I still send them something by mail...a short letter just notifying them of my latest accomplishment? If so, how would I word my letter? Thanks</p>
<p>Step 1 - ask yourself whether an objective person (not your mom) would think this award is truly significant and would cause Columbia to view you in a materially better way than they’ll currently view you.</p>
<p>Step 2- if so, a short note would work:</p>
<p>Dear Columbia,</p>
<p>I wanted to let the admissions committee know that I recently received a Bronze Medal at the Annual Podunk High School Flatulence Competition. As Podunk has some of the smelliest people in the nation, showing in our Flatulence Competition has been one of the highlights of my high school career and demonstrates that I would be a good fit for Columbia``.</p>
<p>I appreciate the committee’s consideration of my application, and would be happy to supply any additional information upon request.</p>