Can I use writing from my personal journal for college essays?

Some of them fit the question’s context well, and it’s probably as personal I can get on paper. I’ll still have to edit a little bit to align with the question better, so does this sound like a good idea?

Personal journals can cover a wide range of writing, writing styles, types of thoughts expressed etc… It is impossible to know if using writing from your personal journal is a good idea without knowing the question posed and your proposed essay. Bottom line is just be sure you have a focused answer to the question.

I generally recommend having a trusted English teacher read over your college essays.

I guess it depends on what you’ve written in your journal.

Keep in mind the point behind this essay. It’s not True Confessions. It’s not a vent.

The point is to show the reader that you would be a strong addition to his/her campus. It’s to show a part of you that doesn’t come through from your transcript and test scores. It’s to “give them a reason to say yes.”

If what you’ve already written does that, then, sure, use it. But concentrate less on strictly answering the question and more on giving them that reason to say yes.