Can more graduated seniors do "actual results" threads?

Applied: Yale, Princeton (EA), MIT, Stanford Harvard
Accepted: Yale (attending), Princeton, MIT
Waitlisted: Harvard, declined
Rejected: Stanford

SAT: 1600 (+760 Writing)
SAT II Chem: 800
SAT II Math 2: 800
GPA: 4.6 something weighted? I had an A average, plenty of A-'s and A+'s but nothing below an A-

EC’s: Debate Team (president, highest pointed team in state finals), Robotics (president&founder of competition team), Finance Club (president), professional actor, did not list volunteering work because I thought it was unethical

White female from competitive public high school, legacy at Princeton

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Accepted: Stanford (attending), UNC, Cornell, Duke, Vanderbilt, Emory, WashU, a bunch of safeties
Rejected: Yale, UPenn, Dartmouth
WL: UVA, Johns Hopkins, Princeton, Harvard

SAT I (breakdown): none
ACT (breakdown): 36
SAT II: 760 USH, 700 Lit
Unweighted GPA (out of 4.0): 3.97
Rank: 10%
APs: AP Euro-4; APENG, APUSH-5
Senior Year Course Load: Bible, APGAP, APLAT, Anatomy, APCAL, APLANG,
Major Awards: two national level awards and one regional level award in social justice/equality (not publicly naming for privacy reasons); big enough to meet MLK’s daughter

Extracurriculars: mostly the social justice thing which was huge and took up a lot of time, was a radio volunteer, MUN/YIG, lacrosse
Job/Work Experience: Internship at a nonprofit for 500 hours
Volunteer/Community service: a bunch
Summer Activities: CONA, Governor’s School for Humanities, JCamp
Essays: never serious, made them all very funny and lighthearted
Recommendations: 12/10 I loved them and they all loved me and knew me very well

Applied for Financial Aid?: no
Intended Major: It differed by school but usually public policy, american studies, communications, and other non stem things
State: suprisingly competitive southern state
School Type: small, non-competitive religious private that no elite college has heard of
Ethnicity: asian- american
Gender: f
Income Bracket: alot
Hooks (URM, first generation college, etc.): none


Strengths: My extracurriculars were nationally regarded and recognized, my strong ACT made up for my lack of APs (my school doesn’t offer many, I took all that I could)
Weaknesses: race, income, aka demographics beyond my control; and to a lesser degree SAT IIs
Why you think you were accepted/waitlisted/rejected: my entire application revolved around my personal narrative that I suppose some colleges found compelling.

General Comments:

Go Cardinal! Stanford Class of 2022!

ACCEPTED: Northeastern, Fordham, Emory (Oxford program), Case Western, Rutgers New Brunswick, UMinn Twin Cities, Indiana University Bloomington (Kelley Business), Binghamton


REJECTED: Cornell, UPenn, Wash U in St. Louis

Major: Marketing


SAT: 1490 (780 Reading / 710 Math)
RANK: School did not rank
GPA: 4.55 Weighted
CLASSES: School did not offer APs. Took all honors classes, 5 dual enrollment classes, and a class at my local community college.

White Male
Private religious school
NJ resident


Founder/President of my school’s Model United Nations club (3 years)
Member of National Honors Society (senior year)
Officer in Student Government (3 years)
Debate club (2 years)
Three missions trips
Regular volunteer work
Part-time job 15 hours/week (3 years)

Reflection: I’m very happy with my admissions results, however, looking back I wish I had been more realistic regarding price. Even with scholarships, the vast majority of the schools on my list were still not affordable. Regardless, I am beyond excited to be a Hoosier this fall! My advice to prospective applicants: Don’t get so hung up on a school’s “prestige.” Don’t obsess over the USNews rankings - HYPMS are not the be all and end all. Find the school where you feel most at home. and the rest will fall into place. Good luck!

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ACCEPTED: Chapman, UC Santa Cruz, University of British Columbia


REJECTED: Stanford (ED), Pitzer, Northeastern, Brown, Tufts, UC Berkeley

Major: Politics


SAT: 1430
RANK: School did not rank
GPA: 4.8 Weighted
CLASSES: Took all IB courses 10th-12th. Full candidate for diploma and received my IB Diploma

White female
Born and raised in Hawai’i

Editor of Yearbook
President of Amnesty International
Board member for an organization that provides education to women in Zambia
Lots of clubs

Reflection: I faced a lot of rejections but ended up getting off the waitlist for Pomona College which turned out to be an amazing fit for me and they provided plenty of financial aid. I’m very happy in the end and I think Pomona really got my essays and personality.

Admissions Results Class of 2022

Accepted: UCSB, UCD (Attending), SJSU, SFSU, CSUEB, CSUS
Rejected: UCB, UCI

SAT I: 1160 [570 ERBW / 590 M]
UC GPA: 3.65 [UW] / 3.88 [W/C]
CSU GPA: 3.86
Rank: 36/358
AP: World History , English Lang. & Comp. , English Lit. & Comp. , Statistics
Major Awards: N/A

-Babysitting [6th-12th]
-Graphic Design [7th-12th]
-ASB Leadership [11th]
-Chess Club [11th-12th]
-eCommerce Business [12th]
Internship/Work Experience: Busboy [11th]
Volunteer/Community Service: Peer Tutor [11th-12th / 300+ hours]
Summer Activities: eCommerce Business
UC Essays: Highlighted intellectual curiosity and overcoming challenges [8/10]

UC Augmented Review
UC Berkeley (Letters of Recommendation):
-Teacher [AP English]: Unable to read [-/-]
-Mentor [Professor]: Aligned my personality and individuality to ‘Berkeley’s values’ [9/10]
UC Davis (Supplemental Questionnaire):
-Questions: Responded to 18 questions on socioeconomically disadvantaged circumstances
-Recommendation: ‘Truly Extraordinary’ for all subtopics [10/10]

Applied for Financial Aid?: Yes
Intended Major: Software Engineering / Computer Engineering / Computer Science
State: California
School Type: Public
Ethnicity: Asian
Gender: Male
Income Bracket: Low
Hooks (URM, first generation, etc.): N/A

Class of 2022
White male, medium size suburban public school, high income bracket
We don’t have class rank but I’d guess about 25th/300 graduating seniors

Accepted: Tufts (attending), Georgetown (deferred EA), UMich Ross, GW (+20k/year), BU (didn’t get Trustee Scholarship), SUNY Binghamton (+full scholarship)
Waitlisted: Vanderbilt
Denied: Princeton, USC

GPA: 3.98 UW, 4.22 weighted
Took SAT once, 790 math 740 english
SATII: 800 math 2, 800 Italian, 720 chem (don’t take chem if you haven’t taken AP chem lol)
AP: 5 on English Lit&Lang, Italian, Calc BC, US History, US Politics&Gov, Macro&Micro Econ, 4 on Physics 1, Environmental Science
National Honor Society VP, National Merit Scholar

4 yrs football, captain senior year
4 yrs swimming
2 yrs tennis, captain junior year
Elite school choir (section leader senior year), All-State choir senior year
Created, directed and composed for an a cappella group at school
Work year-round as a lifeguard and delivering pizza (best job ever if they supply the car)

Intended major of Econ, pre-law
Common App essay: very strong, talked about the intersections between sport and music and how both make me a better student
Supplements: meh, generic, although my “Why Tufts” one was pretty great
I was tempted to be playful and funny in my essays but ended up taking them really seriously and I think that was the right move.

Reflection: make sure your essay topics match your resume, I wrote about my interest in law for my USC supplement despite having no experience or expertise in the area and it cost me. And make sure your safeties are REAL safeties. Too many of my friends got screwed.
Good Luck everyone!

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This is really helpful.

Accepted: Santa Clara University (8k merit) Loyola Marymount (expected 12K), Westmont (likely full ride), UCSD, A couple of others, Colorado College (no merit/attending)

Rejected: none, withdrew additional applications of Tufts, etc when accepted ED at Colorado College

Stats: IB Program, 4.6weighted, 33 ACT. ECs related to oil painting for 8 years with several local awards.
Essays: Tied love of biology to love of realistic oil painting. submitted portfolio of anatomical oil series.
Reflections: DS is deliriously happy at CC. Looking at schools with a major in art is grueling… ever thankful for advice on this site regarding evaluating programs. The block program, attitude of professors and students, quality of teaching in the sample class she observed, and the palpable atmosphere of passionate learning all made CC far and above other great choices. Believe people when they say it’s all about the fit! Fantastic school.
Majors: started as art and organismal biology, but is developing a passion for Mandarin as well.

could you guys look at my recent posts

Denied: Rice University
Major: Information Sciences

Asian male

GPA: 3.6 unweighted, 4.2 weighted
But I had a strong upward grade trend: 3.667 in 10th grade to 4.667 in 11th grade
Rank: Top 20% in my school
ACT Composite 35: English 35, Math 34, Reading 34, Science 36, Writing 10
SAT Subject Tests: Math 2: 780, Physics: 730
AP Exams: US History (5), Calc BC (5), Calc AB (5), Physics 1 (4), English Language (4), Euro History (4), World History (3)
Kinda competitive high school in California
Took Multivariable Calculus in my senior year at the nearby community college

Varsity Swim all 4 years
120ish volunteer hours ~ mainly spent volunteering at the Library and going on church missions
Taught middle schoolers how to program in HTML, Javascript, CS3, and C++
Worked part time at a restaurant
Served on the praise team at my church
Co-president of the Digital Animations club at my school
Played the cello for about 8 years, but I was still pretty bad at it so I quit sophomore year

In my essay I wrote about how hard it was to live with ADHD and how I managed to make the most out of the condition that I was given. I’d say the writing quality was ok, my essay writing skills arent that proficient.
I couldn’t read what my teachers said about me on my rec letters but I think they were pretty positive

I think my problem here was that my GPA was just way too low and I didn’t have outstanding extracurriculurs, especially since I was an Asian American male applying for a STEM based major.


Accepted: Rice (ED), UNC Charlotte, UTK
Major: Ecology and Evolutionary Biology


SAT I (breakdown): 1600 superscore, 1560 single sitting (800 M), 6/6/8 writing
ACT: 36
SAT II: 800 Math II, 770 Chem, 750 Bio E
Unweighted GPA (out of 4.0): 4.0
Rank (percentile if rank is unavailable): n/a (top 10% is ranked, but I’m not in the top 10%)
AP (place score in parenthesis): 5 on HG, Bio, Chem, APUSH, Lang; 4 on Physics 1
IB (place score in parenthesis): n/a
Senior Year Course Load: APES, AP Lit, study hall, APCSA, AP US Gov/AP Macro (1 period), AP Calc BC, AP Physics C
Awards on Application: USABO Semifinalist (10), National German Exam gold (9), AP Scholar with Distinction (11), National Merit Commended (11), Jefferson Book Award (11)


Extracurriculars (place leadership in parenthesis): Climbing (9-12), SciBowl (captain 11, 9-12), SciOly (9-12, VP 12), Linguistics Olympiad (9-12, VP 11, P 12), GSA (9-12, VP 11, P 12), BioOly (9-12, but very little time devoted), German Club (9-10), Mu Alpha Theta (11-12)
Job/Work Experience: work at climbing gym (9-12)
Volunteer/Community service: none (not even for MAO)
Summer Activities: Governor’s School
Essays: CA 8/10 (about being afraid of heights), Why Rice 9/10 (about how I could do a lot of stuff there), Why Major 9/10 (about how SciOly has introduced me to a lot of cool science stuff, linked it to Rice), Perspectives 6/10 (about climbing. Also, I didn’t give myself NEARLY enough time to write it!)
Teacher Recommendation: AP Chem teacher predicted about 8/10, AP Lang predicted to be about the same
Counselor Rec: 6/10 she has a LOOOOTTTT of students, and thus doesn’t get to know any of them super well.
Additional Rec: from climbing coach. Probably about 9/10?
Interview: 8/10, was almost 2 hours long. My interviewer and I really clicked, but I also literally dabbed.


State (if domestic applicant): TN
Country (if international applicant): USA
Intended major(s): Most anything in the science field LOL
School Type: medium public, kind of competitive
Ethnicity: white
Gender: F
Income Bracket: 150k-175k
Hooks (URM, first generation college, etc.): none at all

Strengths: Test scores, demonstrated interest at Rice (like, a lot), dedication to one EC and pretty good results in two others, recs from English teacher and climbing coach, interview

Weaknesses: I’m gonna list these out in bullet point format.
-I didn’t prepare much for my interview.
-I wasn’t in the top 10% of my high school class.
-I did NO research and ONE community service hour.
-I didn’t do much in the summers after freshman and sophomore year.
-I’m not a physics god. The last two people from my school to get in to Rice were. Guess it didn’t matter that much
-One of my Rice supps was written kind of last minute.
-I talked about climbing a bit too much in my interview!

Why you think you were accepted to your alma mater: I showed a lot of interest and was able to tie my passion for climbing in to my love for science, my perspective on life, and how I’ll contribute to the Rice community.

Reflections on the whole process: I’m so, so, so glad that I EDed. It’s not for everybody, but it was the right decision for me.

Anything you’d do differently in high school: I would’ve quit orchestra earlier. It wasn’t very fulfilling for me and I would’ve replaced with APCSP.

Advice you have for future applicants:
-Make sure that your essays could only be written by you AND that they’re specific to the school. All of my Rice supps mentioned either student organizations or field work in certain classes.
-Bring a resume for the interview!
-Apply to your safeties EA.
-It’s okay to prepare for the interview and to refine your essays. But make sure that YOU come across.
-You won’t be prepared for every interview question.
-Look up your interviewer on LinkedIn if you can.
-Do NOT build your high school career around college admissions. Do as much as you can for yourself. The only things I did for college applications were taking standardized tests and filling out CommonApp.
-There’s a series of YouTube videos floating around in which a former AO discusses the strengths and weaknesses of sample admissions profiles. Don’t watch them, you’ll stress yourself out!
-Your dream school will likely change. It’s fine. Freshman year, I was obsessed with MIT. Now, I’m going to Rice and my best friend is going to go to MIT.
-Take advantage of little and random opportunities. I first found out about Rice by finding a brochure in a drinking fountain. I tried NACLO because it seemed easier than Biology Olympiad. (It’s a difficult comparison. They’re both harder.)
-Be happy for your friends!
-Decision day, especially if you apply ED, sucks. Until 4:00, it was on track to be the second-worst day of my life. Bring earbuds to school. (I forgot mine…) Listen to music. Watch whatever shows and videos that you think will help you stay distracted. Recruit your friends to help you stay calm. (The only reason I survived from 3 to 4 without having a breakdown is because one of my friends blew bubbles.)
-Be realistic. You can’t plan on being valedictorian or getting a 35. On the other hand, don’t sell yourself short. In my MIT-obsessed phase, I doubted that I’d be able to get a 3.5 or a 31 in high school. (But I also thought I belonged at MIT… huh.)
-College is not the end-all, be-all. You can be happy and successful no matter where you go, and you can almost always transfer!


this is probably a long shot based on the sheer amount of posts but Spanks what are you majoring in?

Average SAT scores to schools are readily available online. Trying to figure out what admissions officers are looking for on any given day is akin to asking The Magic Eight Ball. I know how hard my student had to work to get the scores they did and I have an idea of their strengths and weaknesses and if they can remain motivated being at the bottom of the class or really are motivated by being at the top. All of these things can factor in when choosing a school and a major. Rather than ask if your 1400 will get you into Harvard instead ask “Do I want to go to Harvard with my SAT of 1400 when the average SAT is 1520?”

I think the scores are relevant because I have not seen many students with scores lower than 1500 on SAT even posting here.

Accepted: Bates College (ED), UIUC, IUB, Pittsburgh, Michigan
Waitlisted: Deferred by Colorado College
Rejected: None
Major: History


SAT I (breakdown): None
ACT: 35 34M, 35 Reading, 36 English, 36 Science
Writing: 11/12
SAT II: None
Unweighted GPA (out of 4.0): None Given. If using the B=3.0. A=4.0 Method around a 2.9
Weighted GPA: 3.5 3.3Freshman 3.1Junior 3.7 Senior 3.6
Rank (percentile if rank is unavailable):Top 60-80%
AP (place score in parenthesis): 5 on World History, Psych, Macro, Micro, Psych, APUSH, 4 on Lan
IB (place score in parenthesis): n/a
Senior Year Course Load: AP Euro His, USH, Calculus, O Chem, Chinese, English Lit, Creative Writing
Awards on Application: Debate Awards(Finalist at an American National Tournament, TOC Qualifier, Winning University Tournaments in China as a high schooler), National Econ Competition 3rd Place e.t.c


Extracurriculars (place leadership in parenthesis):
Debate: First Chinese student to qualify for TOC in America, English is not my first language but I made it to the finals of some major debate competitions in America on the National Circuit. First Chinese student to break at a policy camp tournament,
Debate Tutor(Founder): Debate In China is a monopoly by big companies. SO I started tutoring students in a lot of cities to help them with their debating skills. Organized a bunch of seniors to do the same thing.
Unrecognized Minorities(9-12)(Founder): Researched and published essays about unrecognized minorities in China.
History Research: researched my school’s history
Class Vice President(11-12)
Documentary about Bipolar Patients(11): Co-founder. Shot a documentary and got around 100k views
Econ Team(11) Created an Economics Team and went to competitions
Investment Club(9-12) Co-Founder: Expanded the club from 0-60, weekly meetings et.c
Boxing: 200 pounds boxing

Job/Work Experience: Own Startup
Summer Activities: Northwestern Debate Institute, Unrecognized Minorities Research, Internship

Essays: CA 9/10 (How debate helped me recover from a familial situation and inspired me to love history), I SPEND 6 months of time on it.
Teacher Recommendation: Literature 8.5/10 Friends with the teacher, real chill. English class is basically the only class i listen to and care a lot about. Business Management 9/10: The teacher knew me on a personal level and wrote on the Reco that I’m the best student she ever taught in 15 years.
Counselor Rec: 6/10, we didn’t like each other.
Additional Rec: Debate Coach, the guy knew me for 6 years and watched me change from someone who can’t speak proper English to becoming one of the best debaters in China.
Interview: 8/10, did initial view, went great. Nothing too spectacular. The guy made me do an impromptu speech and I nailed it.


State (if domestic applicant):
Country (if international applicant): China
Intended major(s): History
School Type: Crazy competitive school, ACT Average 34, highest IB average in the world… 90% of students get a 5 on all of their ap exams. As Chinese as it gets LOL
Ethnicity: Asian
Gender: M
Income Bracket: 500k USD+
Hooks (URM, first generation college, etc.): First Gen
Strengths: Activities+ Essay
Weaknesses: I’m gonna list these out in bullet point format.
–I didn’t study in High School and crammed all of my work.

Why you think you were accepted to your alma mater : unique essay(I had 35 drafts), I may not have the best grades in my school but I had interesting activities that I spend a lot of time on.

Reflections on the whole process:
-Stop being so anxious about ED results. I gained 30 pounds from stress eating lol.

  • Chose your ED school wisely. Don’t reach too high. It’s a great opportunity.
  • IF you are international, apply to schools that are friendly to international students. For example, Cornell, being higher ranked than Notre Dame, is significantly easier to get in as an International Student
    -Find something you are passionate about
    -Write real things on your essay, it just flows better.

Anything you’d do differently in high school: I would have studied and chosen my high school courses wisely. Do more community service

Advice you have for future applicants:
Schools can be forgiving for your GPA! JUST WORK HARD in other fields!!!
But it’s best to have a high GPA.


This thread was super helpful for me when I was applying so I hope my results can be helpful for someone out there!

Applied: Clark University EA, Sarah Lawrence University EA, Suffolk University EA, Brandeis University EDII, Connecticut College RD, Wesleyan University RD, American University RD, Bryn Mawr RD, College of the Holy Cross RD, Dickinson College RD, Mount Holyoke College RD, Skidmore College RD, Smith College RD, UMass Amherst RD, UMass Boston RD
Accepted: Suffolk University EA (Honors Program, 15.5k Deans Scholarship, 7.1k Trustee Scholarship, 0 grants tho lol so don’t apply if you need aid), Clark University EA (20k Traina Scholarship), Brandeis University EDII (Dr. MLK Jr. Fellowship)
Deferred: Sarah Lawrence College EA (withdrawn)
[color=blue]Attending: Brandeis!!!


  • GPA: 3.6 UW, ~3.9 W? (school doesn’t calculate lol)
  • SAT (breakdown): 1050c, 530rw, 520m (v ashamed, only sent to UMass Amherst)
  • ACT (breakdown): 21c, 23e, 25m, 18r, 18s (v ashamed, only sent to Suffolk)
  • SAT/ACT supplement (for Brandeis only): I submitted a graded research paper I wrote for my SWG class on barriers to women in U.S. politics. It wasn’t my best possible work (I got a B+) but I didn’t really have another option rip.
  • APs: Lang (5), Micro (3), and PSY 130 CC at a local LAC (A-)
  • Course Rigor Throughout High School (more people should do this it’s important): 31 total credits (should be 32 but I only took 7 classes sophomore year bc I was sick), 6 APs but 7 credits (~16 available, didn’t take 3 of the humanities APs available bc scheduling and language that wasn’t mine), 5 honors (~12 available, took all but one applicable to me bc it was new), 3 college courses (max possible is 6, courses show clear interest), 2 internships for P/F credit (sidenote: my school got rid of all freshman honors courses a few years ago and you can’t really take APs until junior year unless you come from a private school so idk how my transcript was viewed bc many of my peers came from private school backgrounds)
  • Senior Course Load:
  • 1st Sem: AP Stats, APUSH, SWG 222, Internship (P/F)
  • 2nd Sem: AP Lit, APUSH, GOV 200, AP French
  • Honors: Honor Roll, NHS, AMC12 “Certificate of Participation” (bc idk my score but my school handed me a piece of paper to say I did it lol)


  • Spoke at a well-known reproductive justice conference & applied and accepted to teach a workshop
  • Lead local MFOL
  • Founded community gun violence non-profit
  • Volunteered for winning political campaign (60+ hrs/wk)
  • Intern for that same politician (12 hrs/wk)
  • Co-leader of Democrats club (2 years)
  • Interned at a national anti-corruption non-profit organization doing volunteer intake (15 hrs/wk)
  • Intern at a Jewish farm combatting food insecurity (12 hrs/wk)
  • Feminist club member (4 years)
  • Member of community climate justice group (2 years)

Application info:

  • Recs:
  • Teachers: From my APUSH and AP Stats teachers. I didn’t have them until this year but they are club advisors so they’ve known me outside the classroom.
  • Counselor: Our school has us fill us surveys so I hope it was verbatim what I wrote bc my counselor is new. One thing I know she commented on was that during my sophomore and junior years I was placed on medical leave which hurt my GPA from self-studying. I also commented on this.
  • Additional: From the politician I volunteered and interned for.
  • Common App Essay: I wrote about how my experience speaking at the reproductive justice conference I mentioned above helped define how I overcame a personal relationship learning to speak out. I’m pretty proud of it but in all honesty I spent months on it and it still never seems quite right. But… you can’t fit your whole life perfectly in 650 words (this was at least my logic to stop obsessing over it!).
  • Supplementary Material: For the schools that allowed it I submitted a two page resume bc I’m extra.
  • Demonstrated Interest: Interviewed with Clark, toured Brandeis, attended school info session for Brandeis, email lists, requested an interview for Brandeis but didn’t get one, unfortunately (I had DI for some other schools too but it doesn’t matter now).

Other info:

  • Applied for Financial Aid?: Yes except 1/15 RD schools bc I got hella lazy (don’t be like me), it luckily worked out tho
  • Intended major: Politics & Sociology w/ a minor in Social Justice and Social Policy <3
  • State: MA
  • School Type: Public, Moderately Competitive
  • Ethnicity: White
  • Gender: Female
  • Income Bracket: Low
  • Hooks (URM, first generation, etc.): First Gen, technically a URM maybe? (grandfather is Native American but not enrolled in a tribe, I was advised to include this idk?)

Reflection/General Comments: I think I was deferred EA because my financial aid was messed up (Clark explicitly stated this, but I was only deferred until the situation was resolved thank uuuu) and because I wasn’t a match for SLC, so don’t be like me. If you somehow found college confidential before your senior year (first, you must have so much pressure on yourself so take a breath and make time for something fun while you’re high school), start taking standardized tests early! Testing anxiety is easier to overcome the longer you spend with the tests. Try both the SAT and ACT, study, and you’ll do fine. Don’t try to take them your senior year and get scores way below your PSAT like I did bc of panic attacks. To those looking at these threads as they are applying: don’t be afraid to throw your application into a “dream” school pool and don’t be discouraged if you’re rejected. Your “fit” is an important but uncontrollable factor at each individual school (remember they are trying to build a community for the next four years), but this mostly applies for more selective admissions (i.e. maybe they lack students in an area so they can overlook some things as well as if the admissions committee thinks your personality matches their student body well). And while you’re looking at these threads and objectively comparing yourself keep in mind these threads will never be the full picture because everyone is there own unique person and their stories too personal to stay in full on here can also impact a decision bc they impact who you are (make sure you reflect thoroughly bc that in itself is impressive). Shoot for the moon and reach for the stars but make sure you have a fall back option you love too because you can really never know what is going to happen.

I guess I’ll add my friend’s sister’s stats, hope this helps.

Applied: UCD, UCLA, UCI, Vanderbilt RD, Yale ED
Accepted: UCD, UCLA (attending!), Vanderbilt
Rejected: Yale

Ethnicity: Asian
Gender: Female
Major: Undeclared
Location: okay public school in Southern California
Income: 90K
SAT: 2000 (not submitted), ACT: 34
Subject test: Math II 750, Physics 780

ECs: Editor-in-chief of school newspaper, newspaper internship, multiple national journalism awards (4).
president of community service club, president of language club.
National Honors Society, California Scholarship Foundation, Language tutor.
Church leader, church tutor.

Essays: Journalism angle, how much time she spends being an editor-in-chief, etc.

Recommendations: One from a teacher she knew very closely, one from someone random.

I’m a sophomore in hs, someone pray for me as college time hits. <3 Good luck to everyone who’s gotten replies back.

its one the action of improve oru talent.

I guess I’ll just do mine too, why not. Hope it helps!
I’m currently in my first year at UW and I love it.

Ethnicity: White
Prospective College Major: Psychology
Intended Post-College Career: Education
I’m a three-way minority: Disabled (ADHD/aspie), LGBT (bisexual), and Low-income (due to divorce)

College Application Info:
Accepted: UW, Western, Seattle U, Portland, Reed, USC, Chapman, SDSU, NYU, UIUC, Tulane, UofA, ASU
Waitlisted: None (surprisingly)
Rejected: Stanford :stuck_out_tongue:

School Info:
School Name: Bellevue High Scool
School Type: Public
Location: Bellevue, Washington
Unweighted GPA: 3.79
Weighted GPA: 4.07
Class rank: Top 10%
Had lots of credits through a biliteracy exam for another language I speak fluently (Italian) and summer classes at a community college (DigiPen in Redmond, WA)

High School Activities:
Co-Creator and Co-President of Anime Club
President (senior year) of Super Smash Bros. Club
Active in tech theater (stage crew) in sophomore and junior year
Also a member of Quiz Bowl, as well as Boom Squad (which is basically like a spirit club)

Other Extracurriculars:
School of Rock (an awesome performance-based music school that puts emphasis on band practice to perform live concerts every 3 or so months)
Leadership team at my church’s youth ministry, where I currently work as a youth group leader

SAT Scores:
Only took it once junior year (without the essay)
Overall score: 1400
Math score: 700
English score: 700

AP Exams - all courses were taken at school:
9th grade - AP HuG (4)
10th grade - AP World (4), AP Comp Sci (2)
11th grade - AP Bio (4), AP Lang (4), AP US (3), AP Calc (2)
12th grade - AP Stats (my only 5), AP ES (4), AP US Gov (4), AP Music Theory (4), AP Lit (3)

Awards (nothing really special, they don’t really matter):
Washington State Seal of Biliteracy
AP Scholar
“Everyone’s Friend” in senior awards
Prom King