Can more graduated seniors do "actual results" threads?

This is so cool! What was she allowed to do there?

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She got to help care for the babies that needed a lot of holding, feed them and help take vitals…I think…she really enjoyed it! Since she was in her high school’s health academy program they did nine rotations in different areas of the hospital during the school year. They had to pass a bunch of skills tests before they could intern. Then in the summer they could do 100+ hours in one unit of the hospital. She was excited to get her first choice…NICU. It has been a great program and she has learned a lot!


My S accepted ED to Lafayette also. Sending you a pm.




S23 applied ED and was accepted to Lafayette. Private high school does not weight or rank. S has 3.88 UW with rigorous curriculum, 33 ACT (submitted). ECs - 3rd degree black belt in taekwondo, paid instructor at studio. Leader and actor in school based theater, leader of another school club, kind of a “glue” kid who has received awards for contributions to school community. Common app essay was good but not amazing, “Why Lafayette” better and very detailed. Recs were probably excellent. Interview likely was strong.

Before withdrawing apps he also was in at U Denver with 33 K merit, U MN-TC college of engineering, MN- Duluth engineering with some merit, Michigan Tech with 17 K merit. All others he didn’t get to hear back from before withdrawing.


In the end, he chose the scholarship to Alabama and he’s excited!


Amazing! I am a nurse and this would have been a dream come true kind of job for me when I was in HS.


My results:
Female, public high school in Mass
Stats: 4.0 UW, 4.3 (on a 4.8 scale, my school does it weird)
Class rank (unofficial) 8/85, meaning top 10%
All honors and AP where possible
5’s on apush and euro, 4’s on csp and lang (taking 4 more sr year)
1480 SAT (780E, 700M) (submitted everywhere, maybe shouldn’t have)
EC’s: Black belt in karate, varsity tennis (captain sr year), founded a club, member of a few others, job, ect.

Williams (enrolled, hook: local)
Conn College (35k merit)
Brandeis (humanities fellowship, 20.5k merit)
Mt Holyoke (30k merit)
UVM (20k merit)
Umass Amherst (in state)
Champlain (applied for the free hoodie)

Middlebury (ed2)


Takeaways: Interesting how my stats were good enough to get $$ from targets, but not to get into reaches unhooked. Just shows how random it can be. If I could do it again I would apply ED1 to middlebury, but I didn’t tour until Nov. I’m happy w/ my choice in the end, and would have picked it over some of my rejections anyways.


My info:
Large, urban public school in Massachusetts. No rank or weighted GPA, 94/100 uw and 1450 SAT. Voc-tech program (automotive), but mostly honors classes outside of that, only a couple APs. ECs included regular jobs, some volunteering, and varsity sports (captain of one). I applied for mechanical engineering, with the exception of UMB and BC, which were nursing. Solid LORs, I think one was better than the other- I submitted both even to the schools that didn’t require two.

UMass Amherst (EA)
UMass Lowell (EA, honors, half tuition scholarship)
UMass Dartmouth (EA, honors, full tuition scholarship)
UMass Boston (RD, $10k scholarship)

Northeastern (EA deferred, applied for mechE and design combined major)
Boston College (RD)
Carnegie Mellon (RD)
Brown (RD)
Harvard (RD)

My motto’s pretty much been “it is what it is” throughout this year. The only rejection I’m honestly upset by is Northeastern, but it’s unfortunate for me and my family that I only got into state schools, nothing that meets full need. I’m going to Lowell, and I’m happy with that. (My parents aren’t, but that’s another story…) I’m not sure if I want to do honors, it sounds interesting but I’m not totally sold, and I’m in no position to be paying extra for the housing, lol.


That is great all around! Congrats to him!

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Williams is a great choice and you got a hoodie!!!

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D23 Results

Applied for filmmaking
Dramatic Arts Program in 1,200 student public high school in downstate New York
95% weighted GPA/93% UW
Almost all AP, DE and Honor classes
No class ranking but estimate top quarter or third.
Almost all extracurriculars in performing arts. Lead acting and backstage roles all four years. Belongs to four honor societies, including Vice President of NEHS. Seasonal jobs and babysitting. Little volunteering.
Applied test optional
Strong LORs from counselor and Drama and AP/DE English teachers, all who knew her well.
40+ pages of essays and stories for common app and film portfolios. Luckily, strong writer.

Arizona State ($15k merit)
Bard College ($14k merit)
Florida State University (rejected from film school, accepted for digital media production)
Emerson College ($25k merit) — Will be attending in the fall
Fordham Lincoln Center ($25k merit)
Penn State
SUNY Cortland, Buffalo State and Fredonia (applied during free app week, $3.5-$8k merit)
DePaul ($24k merit)
Hofstra ($33.5k merit)
Marist College ($20k merit)
Quinnipiac University ($27.5k merit)
San Diego State University
University of Connecticut ($22k merit)
Ithaca College ($30k merit)
Drexel University ($32.3k merit)
Chapman University ($27k merit)
University of North Carolina School of the Arts

Rejected from film school, could choose another major (did not)
SUNY Purchase

NYU Tisch
Syracuse University Newhouse (both parents alums)

BU (little demonstrated interest)

Takeaway: It was a long process but thrilled with the results. Had a lot of good choices in the end; admitted to three top 10 film programs and another three in top 25. If we had known, would not have applied to so many schools! There were a few surprises: admitted to Chapman Dodge and waitlisted at NYU (good surprise) and Syracuse (bad surprise).

D counselor strongly recommended applying to schools where her stats were near the top in order to get more merit. It seemed to work, including the top film schools. Only didn’t receive merit from OOS publics, except for UCONN and Arizona State, which actually added $5k last week unsolicited. Asked two of her final four schools for more aid and each came through for us. Chose Emerson because it was obvious to all of us that it was the best fit. Originally, was $20k over budget, but ended with less than $5k above, so D just needs to cut back on Starbucks and a few other extras!


Wow, congrats!! Competitive majors that require a portfolio and/or audition are always a crapshoot. So often people end up feeling either like they applied to too many or not enough. “Too many” is better!

Again, congrats! Emerson is going to be great!


Could you please share her final four, and which was the other school that came up with more merit?

I’m the mom of the D24 who is planning on film.

Thank you and huge congrats on Emerson!!

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Her final four were Emerson, Chapman, UNCSA and Ithaca, with Emerson and UNCSA the final two. She and her dad took a last-minute trip to North Carolina to tour, and she loved just about everything about the school, but in the end she just felt more connected to Emerson. Emerson and Chapman came up with more merit in the end. We did not ask for more from the others because UNCSA only gives a few scholarships each year and Ithaca was already comfortably in our budget. We did not receive any financial aid, although we did apply, and appealed Emerson’s and Chapman’s decisions.


Very grateful for the info, thank you!!


Here’s a thread I created with her decision-making process: Emerson v. Ithaca v. Chapman v. UNCSA for Film.


I found these posts helpful for both kids during the process, so here are D23’s final results:

D23 - white, rural fringe, moderately competitive public HS in NY (school is diverse)
4.0 UW GPA, 11 AP and 2 DE classes
1510 SAT (780 V, 730 M) submitted where accepted
Year-round job (tech related), also tech related volunteer and club leadership, music ECs including composition.
Applied Computer Science and/or Information Science depending on school where applicable

Accepted EA/rolling:

Northeastern University - Honors Program in Boston for CS + Music, 20k/yr merit bumped up to 30k/yr after she sent in Rural/Small Town Recognition certificate (they did this even after she had enrolled, we were amazed!) WILL ATTEND!

Case Western - 29.5k/yr merit
Pitt - 10k/yr merit
Stony Brook (in state) 2k/yr merit, WISE Honors
WPI - 25k/yr merit

Accepted RD:
RIT - 25k/yr merit

Waitlisted RD:
Cornell (didn’t join because she was already in love with NU)

Rejected RD:
Carnegie Mellon (felt like she had to give it a shot even though her math SAT was “only” 730)

Takeaways: She submitted a music composition supplement at Northeastern which she suspects might have been the difference maker for her there. She did music supps at Case and RIT as well, but those only allowed for playing/audition type submissions, whereas at Northeastern she was able to send in her own original work and they got to see a side of her no other school really did.


White male
Political Science/International Relations
Large, diverse, metro area high school in Georgia
IB Diploma
32 ACT
UW 3.9 - core subjects only
16 AP/IB; honors for all other classes
School doesn’t rank
Good ECs with leadership - Eagle Scout, 2 sport varsity athlete, orchestra, NHS, 250+ volunteer hours
Summer job


UGA - EA - Zell Miller Scholarship (full tuition) from state - ATTENDING

Bama - Rolling - $28,000/year merit scholarship

Furman - EA - $35,000/year merit scholarship

Rhodes - EA - $35,000/year merit scholarship

Sewanee - EA - $30,000/year merit scholarship

George Washington - RD - $20,000/year merit scholarship


Georgia Tech - Deferred EA then waitlisted

American - RD - waitlisted - not enough demonstrated interest