Can more graduated seniors do "actual results" threads?

Hi there. Thanks for asking, but no, he does not wish to share it.


If the kid is into STEM in NC, attending NCSSM residential is an auto admit for NC publics I believe. Although getting into NCSSM is not easy.


It is not auto admit to the best of my knowledge.
You are correct about NCSSM. They take 2 kids per county. So, good luck if you are in one of the more populous counties.

I think you may be thinking of governors school? DS attended the NCSSM residential campus in Durham and I think they had about 350 kids for each year, so 700ish in total. Since my son graduated they have opened the Morganton campus that I think is going to be another 100-150 per year. Admissions are done by congressional district, NC has 14 districts so it is about 35 per district.

There are also opportunities through NCSSM online but I think online does not qualify for auto admit to NC public unis. Below is a cut and paste from their website re auto admission and waived tuition for residential kids.

NCSSM Graduates Receive Guaranteed Admission and Waived Tuition to UNC System Universities

The UNC System Board of Governors approved a new policy guaranteeing residential program graduates admission to any UNC System institution – which includes 16 universities across North Carolina. Additionally, the state budget passed by the NC General Assembly and signed by the governor includes both a four-year tuition grant for NCSSM graduates to attend a UNC System institution and a provision for state payment of AP testing fees for NCSSM students. For more information, please view our FAQ document.

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I was not aware of the direct admission rule, so that is great. I was told that all 50 counties must be represented. Even with the 35 student per congressional district math, it is very hard to get in for kids from Wake, Chapel Hill and Meck. That said, congrats to your son! It is a great program and achievement.


We did a D23 Match Me thread so here are the actual results.

Suburban Texas HS, Top 10%, 30 ACT with multiple sports and EC’s. AP Scholar with Honors, 13 AP Classes.

Applied/ Accepted:
Ole Miss (merit)
Alabama (merit)
Auburn (merit)
TCU (merit)
Clemson (merit)
Texas A&M

Decision: She was very close to picking Auburn but as a Political Science major with an interest in research and national security she couldn’t say no to amazing opportunities at the Bush School at Texas A&M as well as a strong family connection to the university. Gig 'Em!


Posting since it’s now July 1:

S23 private HS in MA; no ranking; few APs offered
Approx 4.0 UW. Rigorous schedule. Long-term ECs; strong LORs.
APUSH: 3 (didn’t submit w app but will get credit)
AP Calc AB: took this year
1350 (not submitted everywhere)
Applied Poli Sci

UVM (merit)
CU Boulder
University of Washington (merit)
UC Davis

Deferred EA, then accepted RD Univ of Wisc Madison (no test) (attending) :badger:

Univ of Michigan (no test; deferred EA)



Hope this helps- I was as detailed as possible as I found these posts so helpful!


Northeast Highly Ranked Public Suburban HS

Class Rank: None

GPA: 3.96 UW on 4 scale & 4.5 W on 5 scale)

SAT: Submitted 1410 (700English/ 710Math one sitting)

AP’s: 5 total (1 junior year/ 4 senior year)
US History/ AP Gov/ AP Lit/ AP Calc AP psych (13 offered- majority offered are STEM)

Honors classes: 11

Class President (4 Years)
DECA CEO- 3 years leadership/ (4 years in club)
Club Founder/ President (4 years)
STUCO- (4 years)
NHS- member
Volunteer- average amount

Honors/ Awards:
3x DECA State Finalist
2x DECA Top 3 Exam score in state
1x DECA National Finalist
3 school based awards

Essay- simple topics- montage style essay-I thought it was creative and could connect with various readers

LOR- one was a “10” Was able to read it after graduation. LoR’s from Biz, History and English Teachers (no STEM)

Spent lots of time carefully detailing activities list on Common App

Applied everywhere as Business Major

Applied/ Accepted EA

University of Georgia-no merit
Visited campus
Emailed AO with honest questions- got response

Clemson- $6500 a year merit
Visited Campus
Emailed AO with honest questions- got response

Penn State- University Park Summer Start- no merit
Visited Campus

University South Carolina Honors (only place honors app submitted) $89,000 merit
Did not visit campus- virtual tour

Florida State- no merit
Did not visit campus- virtual tour

University of Florida- no merit
Did not visit- virtual tour

Virginia Tech- no merit
Visited Campus

Applied E/A on Aug 1 to all schools ( Florida schools RD as they did not offer EA for out of state students)


Not sure how to edit this post but as an update…she was pulled from the waitlist of UC Berkeley. She still decided to attend Cal Poly SLO.


Replying to my own post to add that my son was accepted off both the UCI and UCSD waitlists. Still attending Berkeley.


Wanted to add that my son was accepted off both the UCI and UCSD waitlists. Still attending Berkeley.


Replying to my own post to update: D23 ended up getting accepted from the waitlist at Notre Dame, so will be attending there. At that point she removed herself from the UVA and Wake Forest waitlists.

Not that it matters but since every bit of data helps, I noticed that I didn’t include William & Mary on her list upthread. Accepted there regular decision.


Enjoyed this thread during our Admission cycle. Thought I’d share our recent experience.

D23 Results
Applied Neuroscience
Top Public HS
Rank 9/750
9 APs (one 4 in World History, others all 5, including Calc BC, Chemistry, Biology), Math Honors Classes
ECs – Soccer (Club, HS (captain), Div 1 summer league), Neuro-Psych Club (president), Life Science Teacher to 5/6th graders at a Saturday morning enrichment program, Music
SAT 1550 (800M/750)-one sitting.
Simons Summer Research Fellow
Regeneron Semi-Finalist
Letters of Rec from Biology/Research Teacher, English Teacher, and Summer Research Mentor, all very supportive.

Early Action
UMich – Accepted
UMD – Accepted

Deferred Early/Rejected RD
If we had to do it again, would possibly re-consider REA, number of actual unhooked spots probably not worth sacrificing some early acceptances. I think also some early results could give you some initial feedback on your application strength.

Regular Decision
Carnegie Mellon
Johns Hopkins

Duke – did not sign up for waitlist
Harvard – signed up for waitlist, didn’t send any updates (i.e., Departmental Academic Award Biology, ISEF Grand Award) or LOCI, received a rejection
Tufts – did not sign up for waitlist
UChicago – remained on waitlist because didn’t see an option to not withdraw, received a rejection
UPenn – did not sign up for waitlist

Yale – A little surprised this was a rejection, after reading this:
“New STEM recruitment program seeks to increase yield of STEM matriculates - Yale Daily News”
thought we were a good fit.

Financials – The private schools COA were in the $35K-45K range with scholarships, grants. Out of state, UMich was the highest with a COA of attendance of $56K.


Here is our experience for S23. CC was very helpful in our college journey and we hope our experience will benefit others

S23 Results
Asian / Male / no hooks
Top public school in NJ
3.56 UW / 3.61W
1420 SAT
1 AP (at time of applying); 4 APs in Senior Yr
ECs - summer job, volunteer firefighter, track
Rank: school doesn’t rank
Essays: 10/10
Applied: Business in most / Engg in a few
All applications were EA

Rutgers - Engg
Purdue - Business
Florida State - Business
Penn State - Engg (Summer Start)
Pitt - Business
Indiana Univ - Admitted but not for Direct Admit to Kelley
Minnesota Twin Cities - Business (with scholarship)
Ohio State - Business (with scholarship)
Texas A&M - Engg at Galveston

Waitlisted (didn’t sign up for any)
Wisconsin Madison - Business
Fordham - Business
Rutgers - Business
UTK - Business
U of South Carolina - Business

U of Georgia - Business
GeorgiaTech - Business
UIUC - Business
U of Florida - Engg
U of Maryland - Business

Overall, we were very happy with the results. His essays, ECs and relatively strong SAT compensated for the GPA and allowed him to be accepted at universities which we originally had considered as hard targets / reaches. In our case, the countless hours of research on sites such as CC, Collegevine, Poets & Quants, USNWR etc really helped us in honing our application strategy (e.g. leveraging rolling admissions, EA at almost all colleges etc.)


My Actual results
Asian / Male / ADHD / Rough household bringing grades down
Top public school
2.43 UW / 3.1W
1510 SAT
1 AP (at time of applying); 3 APs in Senior Yr
ECs - Directed a few international tutoring communities, high level legal internships, long term musical commitment(no major awards), volunteering, private business
Rank: school doesn’t rank
Essays: 10/10
Applied: Business or Undecided
All applications were EA/ED

Rowan Business
Seton Hall($20k/y scholarship)

That’s it. I got my ED acceptance really early and as such, withdrew from the other schools I applied to(Rutgers, PSU, Bryant, SUNY Albany, NJIT, Baruch, and a few other state schools). However, based off my personal communication with AOs from the schools and such, as well as results beforehand, I do not believe I would have been rejected from more than PSU and perhaps Albany. If it is of importance, Syracuse got into personal contact with me and expressed strong interest in accepting me after a phone interview. It could have been just more advertising, but who knows!

CC was integral in my school choice, and I was able to find tons of ways to get that edge, especially as a supersplitter applicant.
I was able to have multiple recommenders, as well as my counselor, affirm my ability and situation, which probably helped. Sorry for the small sample size, just trying to pitch in where I can.


Congratulations! That’s awesome… finish out your high school year strong and enjoy it the best you can and get ready for the next chapter!


Wow great list, similar to my D24s list this year. Where did he end up committing?

S23 ended up choosing Florida State. It was a reach with a 25% acceptance rate. He loved the campus when we visited. Also, even for an OOS student, it is almost the same price as our in-state public school (~$30k a year) making it an outstanding value proposition.


I would encourage you to specifically look at the Integrated Business & Engg (IBE) major at the Daniels School of Business at Purdue. This major provides for a more quantitative based business degree, if your daughter is so inclined. My S23 was fortunate to be admitted, as it is quite competitive.


I did ask D24 to consider Purdue but in the end she took it off her list and I’m not sure why. She finished her applications a month ago so there’s no looking back.