<p>I'm a junior, I live in Sarasota, Florida. About a month ago I contacted the guidance office and asked to be added to the list to take the Oct 14 PSAT (to qualify for NationalMerit). Of course, I was willing to pay. </p>
<p>The secretary told me that I would not be allowed to take it because there were "only so many spots available to Juniors, and those spots have been filled...the spots were assigned first come, first serve, to students in the IB program."</p>
<p>Meaning, those of us NOT in the IB program were never consulted or allowed to register for the PSAT. </p>
<p>This doesn't seem right. My PSAT scores (when taken as a sophomore) were BETTER than ANY of my friends in IB.</p>
<p>It’s probably too late since the test is soon, but sometimes you can call a nearby private school and pay to take the test there. Homeschoolers do this.</p>
<p>No, she can’t. ONLY the PSAT is used to determine commended/NMSF students. Furthermore, it is only the PSAT in one’s penultimate year of high school which counts for this competition (unless the student skips a year or two of high school). </p>
<p>elizadoo, I hope that in the month between this happening and now, you’ve found a place to take the PSAT.</p>
<p>pigs, read the OP next time before you comment. It’s talking about PSAT.</p>
<p>Eliza, agree with Mom2collegekids - I would call other schools tomorrow and explain your situation. Hope you can do it! Be sure to let us know how it goes.</p>
<p>eliza, if you click on the link at the bottom of this page, it will show you how to find schools in your area who are administering the PSAT. I hope you find a school that will accommodate you!!</p>
<p>Yes, that’s true…one of DS2’s classmates had a panic attack at the beginning of the PSAT test, so her test was ripped up. NM used her SAT score to declare her a NMSF and then NMF. Frankly, I didn’t think that was fair, because I know many kids (DS2 included) that scored much higher on the SAT than they did on the PSAT.</p>
<p>My daughter took the PSAT as a junior at a private high school which she was not attending. She did this because her own high school was going to administer the test on a Saturday. The bottom line is you can ABSOLUTELY find a high school in your area that will allow you to take the test. Call today.</p>
<p>It would still do better for Eliza to try to find a school to take the PSAT rather than waiting for the College Board to determine whether she qualifies under the alternate rules. She’d still have to get a school official to sign her request, and based on her OP that seems unlikely.</p>
<p>Eliza, please try to find another school to take the PSAT.</p>
<p>Testing is generally either Wednesday or Saturday. OP find a nearby school ASAP. My son had a conflict on our school’s Saturday test date and took it at a nearby school on their Wednesday test date. It was not any problem.</p>