Can Scholarship Money be Saved for the Following Year?

I received the Regents Scholarship (30k dispersed throughout 4 years) and the Beeghly Merritt Memorial Scholarship (14k for one year). However, I do not need 21k for tuition for one year. Can the extra money be used in a different year?

If those funds are restricted to tuition only, probably not. If you can use the funds for any educational process, and they’ll refund the money to you, sure, you can keep it or use it for another purpose. You do not have to include it on the FAFSA for the next year if you have saved it (often people put it in another account and do not co-mingle with other money).

You need to ask the school if the money is restricted to tuition or if it will be refunded t you.

Thank you! I have contacted the financial aid office am waiting for their response.