Can Some Clear This Up For Me?

<p>UC’s ONLY see the UC gpa right? They don’t see UW or W overall gpas at all? Sorry if this seems like an obvious question…</p>

<p>They'll see it on your transcript, but they don't care about it unless it's stated on the SIR agreement.</p>

<p>But generally, UC GPA is what they will make their decisions on. Even if they saw your UW/W GPA, they won't take it into consideration.</p>

<p>Thank you marzxbarz.</p>

<p>One more question: What is a SIR agreement?</p>

<p>When you matriculate into the UC you want to attend, they will have a list of rules and agreements that they expect you to follow. For example, Davis says you must maintain at least a C in all your classes to maintain your admission (or at least last year they did) or they have the right to rescind your admission.</p>

<p>When you submit your intent to register, your admission is still provisional because they haven't verified your high school stats (GPA, graduation, etc). Think of it as a way to scare the seniors who are suffering from senioritis.</p>

<p>Thanks! :D</p>