Can someone tell me exactly what AWA is and the pros and cons?

I know it’s the Association of Women in Agriculture, with many career connections. It’s almost half the price of Dejope, my first dorm choice. What’s the catch lol?

Is it a 12 month lease?

@Madison85 I’m not sure. I think so.

Well, from the address at 1909 University Ave it is off campus. You may not meet as many people since it is a house with 14 bedrooms (6 are singles), as compared to a dorm, and less likely to be any freshman living there. I’d suggest living in a dorm your first year. If DeJope is too expensive, pick a cheaper one. Also note however that unless you rank a learning community first, you are just as likely to get assigned your last choice as your first choice.

@Madison85 There are many freshmen there. More so than upperclassmen. It is off campus, but hardly, and from what I’ve been told, you still meet many people, and they’re predominantly ag (which is good for me). I don’t fully understand learning communities. What are they?

Learning communities are themed dorms or floors with organized activities. Read about them on the website.

@Madison85 thanks :slight_smile:

Something to consider in housing is the full cost of living. There is the room and utilities (water, heat, electricity, cable et al). Then there is the maintenance. Some places are coop- residents are required to do their share of cleaning bathrooms and common areas as well as their own space. Also figure out the dining costs. Res Halls residents are paying a base fee to help subsidize the food service places but get a hefty discount off the price non dorm residents pay to eat in them (all students, and the public, can eat in Res Halls facilities). Figuring out your food costs may make a difference in your overall cost analysis. If it includes doing your own cooking you need to figure in the costs of food and time to prepare and clean up.

A 12 month lease can be a problem if you do not plan to be in Madison the entire summer. Do some more research and talk to residents plus visit the place. Find out how the new student support is done- there are housefellows (resident assistants at other colleges) for Res Halls.

Addenda. I looked at the site, including the housing brochure. There will be cooking and cleaning chores it seems. Some rooms are triples. Not all meals are included. You need to figure out if the benefits are worth doing more chores.