<p>hi, I'm very interested in law and I have the stats to have a good shot at a top fish law school. However, I have aspergers and am worried I could not be a successful lawyer. Now obviously, I could never be a litigator. However, is there a type of lawyer I could be? I'm ok with some social interaction, but I'm not a very concise or eloquent speaker. I'm most interested in land use law. Are there lawyers who do primarily paperwork and don't necessarily make their money through their speaking abilities?</p>
<p>Depends how far along the spectrum you are, I suppose. I know of plenty of aspergic lawyers (including litigators) who do just fine. Aspergers is not necessarily a bar to law, though I expect it will make some things more difficult.</p>
<p>There are plenty of lawyers on the spectrum. Some aspects of a legal career (especially interviewing and navigating office politics) may be especially challenging for you. But I don’t think there is any path necessarily closed to you. I’ve known not just litigators but also law professors who talk for a living whom I believe to have Asperger’s. Since you are aware of your condition, it may make sense for you to start or continue working with a specialist who can help you with social interactions, but absolutely, there are lawyers who hate public speaking and never have to do it.</p>