Can you accidentally graduate early?

<p>Sorry if this is a random question or has been answered before. </p>

<p>Is it possible to ACCIDENTALLY graduate early? For instance, if you came in with a lot of AP’s and finished all major/minor requirements and your general education, would you be forced out of college? Or does one have to actively decide to “graduate,” and so they can continue taking electives for as long as they want? </p>

<p>Once you meet certain criteria; the student starts getting reminder emails about graduation requirements and deadlines etc. As far as we knew, it was considered best to leave at least one undergraduate class requirement till your last semester. I do’t know what the “trigger” would be for a scholarship cutoff or if there is one.</p>

<p>Seems like I remember that at some point you have to apply to graduate. However, I have a friend who was in and out of UA for something like 10 years. Somebody finally told him he had a degree.</p>

<p>You actively decide to graduate. You request the registrar to do a Grad Check to make sure you have all needed credits.</p>

<p>While the school asks that a student do this a few months before graduation, I think it’s a good idea to do so before registering for the last semester, in case you learn that you are short something.</p>

<p>But, no, the school doesnt “graduate you” after you finish all req’d credits…after all, you may still be taking classes for a minor or maybe some add’l classes for interest or prep for grad school.</p>

<p>Awesome. Thanks for the info!</p>

<p>As others have mentioned, UA starts sending out emails reminding one to apply for graduation once one is a senior by credit hours. Provided one doesn’t apply to graduate and pay the graduation fee, they won’t “accidentally” graduate.</p>

<p>If one has a NMF scholarship and is trying to do an MS with the University Scholars program, will tuition continue to be covered for 10 semesters even if all BS requirements are complete?</p>