Can you chance a desperate fellow?

<p>California resident</p>

<p>Major: Comp Eng (for now…looking into others)</p>

<p>UC gpa: 3.5 (w)</p>

Pre Calc - C C
Honors chem - B A
Orch - A A
H.S. Eng 3-4 - A A
AP European History - B A
Honors Spanish 3-4 - B B</p>

AP Calc AB - C C
AP Bio - B C
Orch - A A
Am. Lit (not ap) - A A
AP U.S. History (only 1 sem…i dropped out =/) - C
World History (second sem…) A
AP Environmental Science - C B</p>

<p>SAT I(going to retake): 1750
540 cr
650 m
560 w</p>

<p>ACT: Going to take in September but i get an average score of 28-29</p>

<p>SAT II:
Korean - 730
Math 2C - 760
Bio - 660</p>

<p>EC: CC - 3 years (jv)
Tae Kwon Do - 7 years (2nd degree black belt)
One of the 3 winners of Apple Video competition - vid was shown in “NECC, the largest K-12 technology conference in the country”
Violin 7 years
Viola 1 year
In school’s “chamber orchestra” (highest level)</p>

Hospital volunteering - 70 something hours
Presidential volunteering award - silver
Helping senior - 7 years (or 800s hours)
President of Savy - 2 years (was in it for 3 years)</p>

<p><em>I’ve joined other clubs but Savy was the only one i had leadership role in.</em></p>

<p>My chances if i put “comp eng” and “undeclared” for</p>

Cal Poly San Luis Obispo (srry this isn’t a UC)

<p>Thank you very much</p>

<p>UCSD -- high reach
UCSB -- reach
UCI -- reach
UCR -- match
Cal Poly -- low reach/match</p>

<p>was that for "undeclared" or "comp eng"?
Thanks for the rating :)</p>

<p>no santa cruz?</p>

<p>nope, i just put UCR for the fling of it
i'd rather go to jc and then transfer than go to anything below uci
plus my parents would make me do that anyways</p>

<p>UCI--low reach/match
UCSB--low reach/match
Cal Poly --reach

<p>UCSD - high reach
UCI/UCSB/Cal Poly - low reach/match
UCR - match</p>

<p>Keep up the good work, take the SATs again and have a solid Senior year schedule. I'd say that you should apply to UCSC since it's basically at the same level as UCI.</p>

<p>UCSD- High reach
UCR-match/high safety</p>

<p>cal poly is very much based on your major... if it was food science youd be a Safety. If it was Engineering or pre-med its a Reach.</p>