Can You Chance me for University of Richmond?

I was wondering if you could tell me what my chances are for university of Richmond.
My GPA is currently a 3.4 (but at an extremely prestigious and snooty school) and I am hoping to get it to a 3.5
My sat scores are: a 1930… Math (590) CR (690) W (650) I hope to bring my math up to atleast a 630… I am taking the SAT again next week.
I have been practicing gymnastics for 8 years and I am on a competitive team
I am president of two clubs and have volunteered at the animal shelter
I have work experience as a gymnastics coach

Thanks in advance!
I was also wondering what my chances would be for Davidson. I know its a HUGE HUGE reach… but maybe with early decision? Thanks!

High Reach. m+cr should be close to a 1400 for U Richmond. Davidson is probably slighter tougher.