<p>I want to minor in Chemistry and Business with a major in Biology</p>
<p>Please answer ASAP</p>
<p>You can double minor at some colleges, not sure about all.</p>
<p>I don’t think you can “get a degree in your minor”, you’d have to take extra courses and turn it into a major. In your case you’d have a “degree in Biology”.</p>
<p>If you get a degree in your minor, then it becomes a major. </p>
<p>Minors are usually only 18-22 credits…not enough for a degree.</p>
<p>Often students combine related majors and minors into a self designed, interdisciplinary major. But if you’re serious about the bio chem thing, many schools offer a major in biochemistry, which may be worth checking out.</p>
<p>Some schools also have rules about how many degrees (majors and minors) you can get. Each school is different.</p>