cancelling a lease

<p>I live in Channing-Bowditch apartments and I absolutely hate it. I've been here for a week and I just want to get the f*** out. I signed a lease from August to June. Does anyone know the chances of being able to cancel my lease and how would I go about doing it?</p>

<p>i hear ya. i ****ing hate my new place and roomates. ugh. bump</p>

<p>You should call or go over to the housing office – I’m pretty sure they have a waiting list, so you can probably get out of it. Out of curiosity, what do you hate about it? I know some people from last year and this year at CB and they like it a lot. Roomate issue or what? They are way better than the dorms.</p>

<p>I have a friend at CB and he loves it! Apparently you have to play over $900 to get out of the lease.</p>

<p>Yea, you need to be careful. Breaking leases can really hurt your credit so make sure you talk with the management about what your plans are.</p>