So Im taking the Bio ap and Euro ap. Im fine for bio and plan to go along with it,however, for euro I dont want to take it. I can just not show up, but I dont want to pay 22 bucks. How does cancelling the score work? is it after the test? is it gone forever?will it ever appear on records?Do I have to pay anything?
Fill to the form so the CB receives 6/15 and send it in. the instructions are pretty self-explanatory. The record is gone and can never be resurrected. There is no fee, but you also get no money back.
Cancellation is something you can do after taking the test, see this form for doing it, which also provides answers to your questions: You do not have to pay extra to cancel but no matter what you do you will not get any money back that you paid to take the test.
As to whether a cancelled score will appear in your “records,” it will not with College Board, but you need to make sure your high school eliminates any such scores that might appear on your transcript.