Cane Kickoff?

<p>What is Cane Kickoff? anyone know?
it dosnt really give much of a description other than a welcome to the Cane community. It also mentions that it takes place in the Bank United Center.
Anyone know what goes on?</p>

<p>Kind of a welcome to Miami pep rally to start off orientation..</p>

<p>You're just in the Bank United Center, along with all the other new freshman and they just hype you up about being a Cane... I think last year the UM cheerleaders were up on stage along with the marching band (don't quote me on that though...) and UM's President etc.... and then I think they did the UM cheers a couple of times, and I'm pretty sure there was this rap artist last year that did this rap on accepting people of differences or something like that</p>