<p>Everytime I go to sleep I think about this stupid math test I have to take and iI start getting a panic attack. </p>
<p>Uhg. </p>
<p>Everytime I go to sleep I think about this stupid math test I have to take and iI start getting a panic attack. </p>
<p>Uhg. </p>
<p>I don’t know why I can’t sleep… I guess I’m just soooo excited for school!</p>
<p>I know why I can’t sleep… I still have to write an entire paper. >:|</p>
<p>You’re a senior! The paper can be late for one day. =]</p>
<p>bleh she gives 0s for that</p>
<p>and they’re like 100 points and we have ~800 points available per quarter and kdlsjflsjffs : [</p>
<p>don’t worry. I won’t be sleeping either.</p>
<p>I slept. Not much better feeling though. I’m going to go to school after its over and hang out in the band room.</p>
<p>everytime i go to sleep the creepy male stranger in my bed tries to…
<p>does this happen to anyone else?</p>
<p>My sentiments exactly. I haven’t paid attention in class for a week, and there’s a huge test on Thursday. So screwed.</p>
<p>I took the test this morning. Turns out I forgot to study an entire section.</p>
<p>i cant sleep cause of stupid daylight savings or whatever haha</p>
<p>haha i wont be able to get up because of that. i wish i could sleep.</p>
<p>haha yeah i wont be able to get up either and we had late start today and was hard enough to get up even then</p>