Capstone Business Leadership Academy

<p>Hi everyone, I will be attending the Academy next week and I’m very excited for it! I’m a male from central IL and I’m looking for people to share their experiences or what they’ve heard about it.</p>

<p>My friend’s D went to an earlier session and loved it. I think they also give away some small scholarships to a few who attend. Don’t know what the criteria is for an award.</p>

<p>My daughter attended CBLA last summer and will be a freshman at ua this fall. She absolutely loved it! One of the girls who also attended will be one of her roommates. She received a $5,000 additional scholarship and will be a Faculty Scholar–which is a paid position for four years. Both of these are a direct result of participating in CBLA. You will have a great time. By the way we also live in Illinois (edwardsville).</p>

<p>Can I apply to be a faculty scholar from my sophomore year on? According to the website it looks like I can:</p>

<p>[Faculty</a> Scholars](<a href=“Home - The Culverhouse College of Business”>Home - The Culverhouse College of Business)</p>

<p>Does anyone have experience with this, ie. pay, usefulness of experience?</p>


<p>Thank you for your post! I’m only 2 hours away from edwardsville and the automatic presidential scholarship at UA is what got me interested. I’ve heard plenty of people from IL are headed to UA, especially since UIUC has such expensive in-state tuition rates!</p>

<p>S attended CBLA last summer and loved it! only wanted to apply to Alabama upon return he did end up applying, being accepted and receiving nice merit scholarships from all 3 schools he applied to but in the end he is Bama Bound.</p>

<p>I know many (but not all) of the students receive some scholarship money which is only available to those who attend the CBLA. My S was one of them :)</p>

<p>Hope you have a great time and learn alot as well!</p>

<p>CBLA is a great way for an OOS student to get a real taste of the campus. I would recommend this to anyone–especially OOS students. The school will treat you right!</p>

<p>How did the CBLA go? would love to hear about your 10 days…where you visited, your impressions (good or bad), etc.</p>

<p>@CrimsonMomNC I loved the Academy! sorry for the late response, but I made some great friends. After being homesick for a couple days, I was able to enjoy it. They really spoiled us and I definitely gained a few pounds. We did firm visits to Vulcan Materials and Regions Bank and also learned from some of the university’s top business professors. The majority of students were from OOS so I felt pretty comfortable. I would highly recommend CBLA!</p>