Car at Move-In

<p>I’m bringing my car to school, but not packing anything in it, and my parents are bringing their car with my stuff in it. Can I park my car in my parking zone for my residence hall and then go to my room or do I have to be in the line when they get my stuff from the car?</p>

<p>You can go ahead and park your car in your zone before getting in the line for move in. You’ll actually be the one who needs to get the key and go up with your belongings along with the volunteers. Last year they distributed keys in the actual move in que right to your car window before you reached the front door of RCS. I’m not sure if they did this for every dorm.</p>

<p>How early should we get to the line for move in? Should we arrive right at the scheduled time or a few minutes earlier - to get closer to the front of the line :slight_smile: ?</p>

<p>when you get to town, take your car and drop it in its parking lot. </p>

<p>idk how early you need to be in line.</p>

<p>What is your move in time and which building? Our move in time was 8:00 on the first day last year for RCS. The line began to form shortly after 7:00 a.m in the staging area at the Ten Hoor lot. I would probably say if your time is later you might want to plan to arrive maybe 15 minutes beforehand just to be sure you make it to the correct place. It goes pretty smoothly and quickly once the line begins to move. There will be volunteers stationed in the staging area and at other places in the nearby areas to check move in times and help direct traffic flow. It will be hot, so I would suggest bringing something cold to drink while you wait in line in the car.:)</p>

<p>Thanks guys. My move in time is at 9. I will probably have my parents follow me to my car and then just hop in their car since I have to be there to get the key right away. Thanks!</p>