Career Fair

<p>There are two career fairs next week, General Interest & Business, and Technical & Engineering. There will be full time and internship opportunities available. It says you will need to bring copies of your resume. </p>

<p>DS is a freshman, though thanks to AP he will have about 70 credits after this year. He is looking for possible internships for next summer. He has no resume yet, and other than work as summer camp counselor, has nothing to put on one. Academically, he completed 4 years of Project Lead the Way engineering courses, so he has more engineering experience than the typical freshman.</p>

<p>Are there internship opportunities for engineering students in his situation? Any suggestions for resume? Does the career center help with this?</p>

<p>Chardo, the career center will help with his resume. He can make an appointment. I would suggest that he create the backbone of the resume before he goes in to be helped. It is amazing what you forget that you have done that is resume-worthy.</p>

<p>Have your son look online for resume and CV examples. (Curriculum Vitae). He should get a wealth of ideas.</p>

<p>Is your son only interested in internships for the summer or co-ops as well? I know that there will be co-op interviews. I think he should go just to see what the fair is like. He can make a few contacts.</p>

<p>My D found her summer internship through the REU listings that come out in January of every year. The list is somewhere on this site. [</a> - Funding - Research Experiences for Undergraduates - US National Science Foundation (NSF)](<a href=“Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) | NSF - National Science Foundation”>Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) | NSF - National Science Foundation)</p>

<p>Good luck and Roll Tide!!</p>