<p>Hope someone can help me.</p>
<p>First, I'm wondering what kind of careers someone that goes into International Studies/Relations can take. From what I've heard, International Studies is a pretty broad major and can be a good foundation for a lot of other globally-based careers (but I'm not sure, that's why I'm here). What could I do with that major?</p>
<p>Also, what schools offer good International Studies programs? I'm mostly looking for safety schools (which for me, lies in the realm of Dickinson College, maybe a tier below Georgetown). Are there any schools at that level known for good International Studies programs?</p>
<p>I’m sorry to say that I don’t have an answer, but I’m also very interested in the major and hope someone has a good answer.
I would LOVE to travel and see the world and am thinking of creating my business, but the “International Business” major just sounds so dull, when I’m really interested in the culture.</p>
<p>Well, I guess if you get a degree in international relations going in the foreign service would be a good idea. But if you’re into business, a lot of companies need internationally-“minded” people to conduct day-to-day operations. Like you said, it is a pretty broad major, so you could very well do anything that interests you, whether it’s the business side of things or the more political “diplomatic” side of things.</p>
<p>As for specific colleges in your criteria, I would probably say Goucher College. It’s a great school with a great program in IR.</p>