Carleton vs. Bates Fly-in Programs

I realize that was the reported experience of one student you know, but that is not consistent with Carleton’s reputation nor the experience of Carleton students I have known over the years. While Carleton is like most SLAC schools that tend to have student bodies with a more liberal tilt on some issues, Carleton students are typically friendly and open-minded.

The purportedly right-leaning FIRE organization that ranks colleges on how open each campus is to free speech and differing views ranks Carleton as only slightly below average and higher than Bates, on a list that has Harvard on the bottom. That whole list has dubious value, but reflects Carleton’s reputation generally.

Carleton also retains a bit of a midwestern sensibility despite attracting students from all over.


The OP has selected to do the fly-in at Bates.


I guess we will agree to disagree and based on some things at Carleton College, like their diversity training for employees where they practiced segregation many might disagree with you that doesn’t seem like Midwestern values to me

This thread is about the fly in program. If posters would like to have a Carleton specific conversation please start a new thread.

And a reminder that it is against ToS to discuss moderation on a thread.

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