Carnegie Mellon Class of 2027 Official Thread

Absolutely nothing wrong for these “dozens” of kids being offered a spot amongst -40,000 slots available at T20 schools. Nationwide there are fewer than a few thousand of these super academic performers. You will find that these super scorers are often ranked no. 1 or two, are NMFs etc. what’s wrong with celebrating their accomplishments? Why diminish them?


No, they do not have to seat the straight A students first. That is absurd. There are many other factors they consider, clearly.

I’m surprised you, as a Gen Xer, taught your child that. Most Gen Xers I know (myself included), did not experience that when we went to college. LOL

Look, I commend your child for his or her efforts; but it’s ridiculous to suggest that a student who earned a 35 on the ACT is somehow less qualified than or did not work as hard as someone who earned a 36. Perhaps the 35er did not have the ability to do test prep; maybe they earned a 35 despite facing some obstacles that the 36er did not have; perhaps the effort they put into the 35 was greater than the effort the 36er put in – it’s difficult to measure.

@jxs705 I have the below hypothesis as we have had the same experience at the tea leaf reading admission cycle.

Why would an university admit meritorious students over those with hooks. By Hooks I mean those that financially benefit or give good publicity to the university. For example Legacy, those who took $20k summer classes at that university, has a sibling already paying full fare, athletes, first to college, 100 different countries advertising, feeder private schools where the admissions officers go to get a better paid job after leaving etc. They normally have to admit a good number of the meritorious students, as otherwise they would get dinged by US News world rankings, which use objective measures like SAT score, class rank, GPA etc. The stats would then balance out some of the lower from those who benefit the university financially. With COVID, test optional has eliminated this restriction for top colleges. They are free to load up with their fav student class. In addition with pandemic, schools closed, virtual classes everyone has 4.0. Elimination of subject SATs is another ding. So the dilution of metrics and no monitoring of Univ metrics has pushed out super meritorious candidates as no longer needed in such numbers as before by the tops. In addition when everyone has 4.0, how can one distinguish through metrics which don’t exist or are diluted? Our student comes from one of the best schools in the state and students did not get anywhere unless they had hooks or applied ED. Rest not even a waitlist or a look. Our student lucked out in the tea leaf reading process at CMU. But you are right. Pandemic has been really bad for hardworking academic students. Feel for your DD and hope she shines wherever she goes as she looks like such a motivated learner.


@OHToCollege , have you received the FA details yet ? We have not yet received it. We had received a mail from the Admissions office that it would available on Sunday, 2 April, but have not received it yet.
Anyone else in the same situation ?

Not yet. Just call their FA office, they are super helpful.

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Does anyone know about some of the freshman dorms that have semi-private bathrooms that are not Mudge to put on the housing application? I think Henderson, Boss and McGill all are semi-suites, but are these no longer “special interest” dorms? How is the social scene in these dorms?

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Son received email from CMU that waitlist is open to opt in. Took a look, there is a " 2023 Waiting List Update Form" where there is a 300 word " *What additional information or updates would you like Carnegie Mellon to consider?". Is that the only writing required or waitlist student should write something else to send to admission?

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Accepted to SCS!


Anyone get the decision yet?

Is there a waitlist thread for Carnegie? @Gumbymom

I do not see one so you welcome to start a Waitlist discussion thread.