Case Western Reserve University Early Decision for Fall 2023 Admission

Another factor might be the chosen major. My son plan to study psychology which is probably not one of their most popular majors seeing CWR has a reputation for being a STEM school. So students applying to computer science or engineering might have lower odds of acceptance, even with high stats. Just a theory, not sure it makes sense.

The majors thing shouldn’t really at all for CWRU. Everyone starts undeclared no matter what. Most have majors that cross the schools and it’s open so a clarinet major may also be an electrical engineer. CWRU likes students that will be taking a much broader approach to learning and doing things exactly as above. All of my daughters friends have either two majors (same school) or a major and a secondary major (different schools) or a major and minor or some grouping of the above. They tend not to be purely focused on one thing. Her roommate is all nursing major - the only major that really does need to be declared immediately because practicums start within the first couple of weeks. The roommate is also interested in theatre classes and eventually plans to be studying that too. The only major that you have to “get into”’ would be music - you audition to prove you actually can play an instrument. Applications are really read too. Once there students go to majors fairs and talk to the different departments. The departments help students cater a program for them. So my daughter - mech e and theatre (still undeclared) wants dramaturgy and directing for her theatre secondary major. School doesn’t have a dramaturgy major as such but has professors that can teach it. The major is being created for her and scheduled around her mech e. Point is it really doesn’t matter for the application what they claim they want more how they show they fit the school.


Well - if you ED, you don’t need to demonstrate interest - as that is interest - you are bound.

If you are willing to contract, even with lower stats, you have much better odds than a non-bound. You are a butt in seat and revenue in the bank.

So it’s very common for lesser kids who ED to have better outcomes.


Congrats to your son. The cost of attendance will probably be a little closer to $40K when the issue tuition costs for 2022-2023.


S23, accepted EA, Mech Engineering, University scholarship 35k
4.6 W GPA, 35 ACT, 12 APs, NMSF, Robotics, volunteer, stock, esports

Congrats to all who have been accepted!


Congratulations to all those accepted! You are quite the impressive cadre of students. Good luck in beautiful, scenic, Cleveland.

That’s the worry with all these schools, it usually goes up each year so we have to plan accordingly. I thought the $87K amount was for 2023-24 but I’ll double check.

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The financial aid letter that came with acceptance was figured against 23-24 costs. Of course, that doesn’t mean it won’t go up again! But if you’re getting need based aid and they do “meet need” hopefully the need based grant would rise alongside future price increases if your income/asset picture remains stable. Probably a worthwhile question for the financial aid office as you’re weighing your son’s options. :+1:


Thank you! Good to know. Most seem to increase the grant to go along with cost increases but good thing to ask about for sure!

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I don’t think you can apply EA and be in BA/MD program. It is either ED or RD for BA/MD.

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Is physics a high demand major?

Also mine tried to request an interview but says their website had no availability.

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If you are interested, look into the Private College 529. Case is a participating school. It locks in today’s tuition rates for a bunch of private colleges. The only catch is the funds have to be held for 3 years before they can be used. It could help for senior year (maybe second semester junior year if you get money in there soon). I hadn’t heard of it until recently and thought others might not know about it either. We are using it as a hedge against future tuition increases.


Were tuition/fees costs for next year included with financial aid awards? If so, can someone please share those numbers?


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Is that for a luxury car or an education?

In five years we’ll be saying $400k. $340k is now passed by.


$400k COA before scholarships could be as soon as the high school class of 2025, assuming CWRU increases its costs over the next few years by the same percentage as it increased costs from 2022 to 2023:

freshman sophomore junior senior total
HS class of 2022 $82,374 $86,715 $91,285 $96,096 $356,470
HS class of 2023 $86,719 $91,289 $96,100 $101,164 $375,273
HS class of 2024 $91,289 $96,100 $101,164 $106,496 $395,049
HS class of 2025 $96,100 $101,164 $106,496 $112,108 $415,869

Well this thread turned scary/depressing!


Not really. There is no doubt CWRU is a wonderful school that people love.

It’s one many aspire to.

But the cost and yield are factual and it’s all that were shared.

it could be others got into a more preferred school. Or it could be others did a cost / value analysis and decided it wasn’t favorable.

Many clearly love the school. And that has not changed.


Thank you for clarifying how i felt when i saw the numbers in print.

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and to follow it up including using that car analogy most aren’t paying the CWRU sticker price either. Whether it’s through financial aid or scholarships most do not see that total number. Noting that I have have a child at Emory and a husband working at U Miami the total cost of those schools isn’t that far off either. At Emory my son gets no financial aid, no merit etc. we pay the sticker. CWRU comes out less for us since she has a merit scholarship there.

In our case, if my children attended UM then neither qualifies for scholarship money because tuition is zero for them. We got lucky my husband is grandfathered into a tuition remission system. We get tuition back up to the cost of UM. CWRU tuition is more than UM but they gave a scholarship that knocks what we pay down. CWRU knows this since we have to go through all these numbers on the extra CWRU form. The outcome is we only pay taxes on tuition for CWRU also.

Emory also knows this. Emory tuition is within a few hundred dollars (sometimes up and sometimes down of UM) so even though no merit their tuition is not really what we pay.

We qualify for zero financial aid without that benefit yet both schools tuition is basically the taxes we pay.

Like I said most do not pay that sticker. Well outright at one we do but it comes back to us in other way.

So what do we pay room and board. They have to live somewhere and eat no matter where they are (yes your house would be less) but they do move it so looked at that way it just is. Travel home. Schools supplies and books things like that. They have numbers but again it’s so anywhere.

Right or wrong private school numbers are scary. Do I think they are inflated yes but they are all pretty similar.

Stating that i am an educator. I usually work as a principal/administrator to schools (not unis). I was once asked to do an actual cost of the school I ran per student. That is if it got no funding to run. I worked it exact and the cost per student was 75k. We laughed and did nothing about it. So it would be interesting to see the actual there too schools are not for profits (well most of them) so it is fun to see those.

Note that CWRU is clearly right for my daughter and Emory for my son. We can do it so we do.