Case Western Reserve University Early Decision for Fall 2023 Admission

Yes, my son applied to Fordham and was accepted (but no mention of merit.)

We went out to a nice dinner tonight for my birthday and my son had such a busy day that he totally forgot decisions for CWR were going out at 8pm. We were finishing dinner around 9:30pm and he suddenly remembered (I was thinking about it the whole dinner but didn’t want to say anything, not knowing which way things would go.)

To our pleasant surprise, he got in EA! We were all so excited! Was given a University Scholarship of $43,500! I assume that includes needs-based aid, which we do qualify for some. Brings COA to about $35K if my calculations are correct.

He has a 4.0 unweighted GPA and 1450 SAT, is a National Hispanic Merit Scholar, with a good amount of volunteer work, level 10 gymnast, honors band (drums) and some leadership in gymnastics and band.

Seeing that some students with higher stats were deferred, I’m going to assume that demonstrated interest helped him quite a bit (he attended an open house, did a virtual session, had an interview and submitted some supplemental material about work he did with Bridges from Borders, an organization in which teens interview immigrants and refugees and tell their story to show how they make a positive impact in Western New York.)

I also think some schools like CWR & Northeastern focus on yield and they think that some of the higher stats candidates will choose an Ivy or another upper tier college and defer them to “test” their true interest. So if students were deferred and Case Western is still a top choice, I think they will just need to show strong interest in the coming months. If they can switch to ED2, they will surely have VERY strong chances of getting in but even if they don’t: remember that deferred means they still have a shot and should keep the faith.

Congrats to all those accepted. To all those deferred, hang in there and don’t lose hope. If Case Western didn’t work out for acceptance, you will land where you are meant to be.


Is there anyone who is still waiting to hear from CWRU EA. I have not received any communication yet!! Is that a rejection?

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Last year my daughter didn’t get an email link to check her portal but it was there in the portal as a deferral for EA. She opted to defer to ED2 and wasn’t alerted at all that her decision came out. Opened her portal and there it was. Did you check in your portal for a decision? If you applied EA and there isn’t an update there you should contact the admissions office by phone when they open. They have tours on the 22nd so they will be there.


I did. Nothing in the portal yet.

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Congrats! We received the same merit. Although we are thrilled since my son really loved the vibe and it’s one of his top choices (and that is truly generous merit!) we are in the same boat as you. Our comfort zone is closer to SUNY prices ($25K) and most offers so far are around $20-$24K. Having said that, he’s going to put in a music supplemental which could lead to some extra merit and I’m not sure if the $43,500 includes financial aid (if not, we may qualify for a little more and get the price tag closer to budget.) Not counting it out by any means. Cost is an important factor but not the only factor and there is ALOT to love about CWR. But my son is keeping an open mind and will have his work cut out for him when he narrows it down and has to list the pros and cons of his top 3 and make a final decision. He applied to 15 colleges, has been accepted to 13 and has only 2 more to go (Pitt & Northeastern) so not over yet but moving to a whole new stage soon. This year is flying by!

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If there is nothing there you need to contact them for sure. All EA results come out together. It will say say congrats and then have a person note at the bottom, reject, or defer. Not having a decision at all is either and error or something was complete and they moved you to RD.

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@Johnjayaz - is it possible your your application was not complete in time for EA and you are in the RD pool?

We don’t qualify for aid but my daughter’s roommate does. My daughter’s letter last year included her university scholarship. - that is merit based. Her roommate also had that in the letter. I believe financial aid is separate from the letter. Actually I am pretty sure because the small government loan came as a separate notification and letter the day after for us. Her roommate has a financial aid package plus her scholarship. Guessing that was also a separate thing.

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If you scroll down past the personalized PS on your son’s acceptance letter, is there a link to a financial aid document? If so, that might include non-merit aid. I do believe the University Scholarship is just merit and does not include need-based grants or federal loans.


The portal says application was received in time.
Any BSMD applicant who applied in EA has not heard yet?

Wait that’s the pre professional scholars thing correct? I recall them hearing much later because there were multiple rounds. When my daughter heard her ED2 it was one of the dates that they were hearing. So January. I just looked at the website again and it says for those programs it’s either ED or RD. ED would have to commit to the school without knowledge of the program and RD would know about the program before the school.

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My understanding was that they will still provide decision on my EA application today and the BSMD decision in Jan/Feb. Is it not the case?
I will call the office tomorrow to confirm.

Check for sure but the way I read it the options with that program may only be ED - commit to the school before the program or RD - goes the other way. I don’t see the EA round listed at all but I could be wrong.


Similar stats for my son. And deferred :frowning:

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Thank you!! Ok my son basically took a pic of the acceptance letter so I didn’t realize there was a financial aid piece too. Went to his portal and saw it. The good news is they are also offering an $8400 grant in addition to the $43,500. The bad news is I had written down a lower price tag for CWR and it’s actually $86K. So with the grant, we are looking at $34,800. Our kids are in charge of the student Stafford loans so he’d pay $5500 and we’d pay about $29K. Still not horribly far off from our budget target but would need to really examine pros & cons to justify it.


Same thoughts, I’m surprised to see kids with higher stats than my kid deferred, when he was accepted ED. But he also demonstrated a lot of interest


@Johnjayaz if they applied for PPSP, the application automatically moves to RD, since PPSP application trumps the other dates - you’ll get notified on it first followed by RD decision in April. Happened with my son last year and I called Case to confirm it while applying for PPSP. Good luck! If you do ED II, PPSP and ED are separate decisions but they did mention they favor ED kids more for PPSP as well due to the commitment.

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Do other accepted people see an estimated tuition and room and board reflecting an increase over the current year’s rate? My child was accepted with a scholarship letter but we do not see anything about the cost for next year. My friend told me that we are missing something and I wanted to see if that is true? If you can see it, can someone share the amount? Thanks.

S23 accepted w/ 32k merit aid. 4.85 GPA, 12 AP classes, 1510 SAT, few, but deep extracurriculars, including long-term athlete.


My Daughter got acceptance in BSN Nursing /24k merit.