What is the time commitment for CBH? I know the general rule for classes is 2 hrs of work for every hour of class time, but I feel like it will take much more time than that.

It can vary greatly. In the first year, I think it’s like a normal class, work-wise, for much of the semester. However, a lot of the work is back-loaded with a big project at the end of each semester (which, of course, is when you’re studying for and taking exams in other classes). Beyond first year, it really depends on the research you’re doing and the professor you’re working with. My daughter had times when she was very busy with her research, and other times when she wasn’t all that busy. Times when she was preparing her presentation (again, toward the end of the semester) were quite busy. The professors with whom she worked tended to be accommodating of her other workload/commitments, though.