CBHP & UFE Weekend 2012 Op Ed?

<p>She is the student who provided the personal tour for our daughter and did a wonderful job. Still a friend to her. Great girl…pretty funny married name but easy to remember.</p>

<p>It is great to be able to read these posts. I am glad that both UFE and CBH have met so many expectations, they are both extremely interesting programs. Just remember that as acceptances come in so will a few rejections but there are many other programs at UA Honors that will put you in close contact with many of the same people you met this weekend. You can still expect to interact with many of these same mentors and friends during your years at UA. </p>

<p>I am looking forward to reading more observations.</p>

<p>Good Luck on the final decisions. Roll Tide!!</p>

<p>Yes, M2CK and bamagirls, I am talking about her. Yes, he knows that it is her married name, but it does make it easy to remember! My son thought she was great! He thought lots of people were great, but talked about her specifically. And momreads son too!</p>

<p>And yes, robotbldmom- I have been reminding him of the possibilty of rejection. Keeping my fingers crossed that it will not happen, but keeping the possibility on the table to try to prepare for it.</p>

<p>Fingers crossed for all of our weekend attendees!!!</p>

<p>Thanks, m2ck! We have our fingers and toes crossed too. :)</p>

<p>AND the eyes! (Makes driving more interesting, at least…)</p>

<p>Sorry this has taken a while to report but I am traveling for business this week and getting any updates has been difficult.</p>

<p>At first I was fairly worried, I checked in with wife and son as they left UA for the drive back home. My entire report from son on how the weekend went basically consisted of two grunts, three groans and something that sounded more like a burp. Pretty extensive conversation for him but he just didn’t sound very excited. Time for me to start worrying…</p>

<p>In talking to my wife Wednesday morning I got a much clearer picture. Based on the reports of some of the late nights in previous posts I am guessing that was just the beginning for a few. As soon as he got off of the phone in the car he fell asleep, slept all of the way home and went to bed early after they got there. Apparently he had just interacted to the point of exaustion.</p>

<p>Apparently Tuesday night my poor wife got the full report and he didn’t stop talking for quite a while. :slight_smile: From what I have heard he had a great time, met quite a few folks and found a couple of people that he had met previously at other academic camps and competitions. The only even close to negative thing I have heard him say is that the faculty member at his interview table really didn’t participate much in the conversation. Apparently he and the two student interviewers had quite a conversation and the faculty member just kind of sat there and listened.</p>

<p>Other than that he was quite impressed with the weekend, the people and the CBHP program as a whole.</p>

<p>Now, I am with the rest of the parents just sitting back and waiting for the decisions to come out. I know that research is the number one thing on his college comparision chart so I am very confident that UA will be far in the lead if this comes through, (which is good with me) if it doesn’t I am not sure what will happen. I think UA would still be in the top part of the mix but it would depend on how much love he would get from the other schools on the list.</p>

<p>^^^There are many research opportunities on UA’s campus that do not include CBH as a requirement. Heck only 40 kids a year are in CBH and there are plenty of labs and positions for bright, inquisitive students. CBH does not even require that your student start research until year 2.
Your son can start investigating the various labs and make inquiries to his professors when he arrives on campus concerning lab jobs. When I say “jobs” bear in mind that there is normally “no pay” involved, yet the student will spend many, many hours in the lab and they will probably have some very odd hours. Often, experiments run the course of many hours/days and need to periodically be assessed. In addition, good notation skills are a necessity in lab work so make sure they enjoy writing. Initially it may be nothing more than grunt work but as their skills grow, so do their responsibilities.
It takes a huge amount of commitment, dedication and patience to succeed successfully in research. Often, the students will be required to write a scientific paper or do a poster presentation of their work later on in their lab careers. Remember, they usually are doing this for free and for no credit but they are gaining a world of experience and will be able to add this to their CV’s.</p>

<p>Does anyone know how CBHP sends out notifications…email, regular mail, Fedex?</p>

<p>If I recall correctly the CBH Letter will be sent by regular mail. I know depending on where you are live, the letter may take more time. We are in the Northeast and mail always took a long time to arrive from Bama.</p>

<p>Thanks, robotbldmom!</p>

<p>Your welcome, believe me we often wondered where the mail went, it took so long. If I wanted to mail a letter to UA via next day express from the US Post Office, there is no such thing. They cannot deliver from here to there next day, I have tried. I can send Priority mail but that takes at least 3-4 days.</p>