CBHP & UFE Weekend 2012 Op Ed?

<p>Creating a thread for experiences and opinions stemming from this weekends activities for CBHP and UFE. Let us know how it went …</p>

<p>Don’t know about the candidates but my son accidentally slept through his morning classes Monday…</p>

<p>Very uncharacteristic of him. He must have had a good time.</p>

<p>Have yet to speak to my D who was doing interviews yesterday … and yes, got in rather late Sunday evening! :slight_smile: Hopefully, some interviewees will chime in as well. I’d love to hear how it went.</p>

<p>Son went over to help set up before the social. I talked to him Monday morning, and he said there were a lot of kids from South Carolina. Had a great time and said he met some very nice kids. He also heard there was a kid all the way from Washington State and was sorry he didn’t get to meet him/her, as it is one of his favorite places.</p>

<p>My son interviewed for CBHP- he really enjoyed meeting current students and potential future students. He loved the school (this was his first visit), loved the program, and was impressed by the faculty and staff! I think the worst part of the weekend was coming home on Monday night. If he had been invited to stay, and start classes on Tuesday, he would have! LOL </p>

<p>Thanks for all of the positive words from everyone. Now the wait to see who is selected!</p>

<p>Daughter had a great time. She really enjoyed meeting the other finalists, current CBHP students, staff, and faculty. She met a few other girls that she thought would make awesome roommates. She said the whole event was very informative and the interview was quite enjoyable and laid back.
Does anyone who has been through this process know when they make decisions?</p>

<p>Very interested in hearing prospective students opinions and input. My son was at the dinner and did airport pick ups as well.</p>

<p>NMSFDad…when my son made it, he found out about 2 weeks later. However, I think last year there was some delay in naming the final picks.</p>

<p>Sometimes the delay occurs because some kids couldn’t come to the interview weekend, and end up visiting a week or so later.</p>

<p>I cannot speak to CBHP.</p>

<p>For UFE:
The University Club for reception-Finalists and Parents (USAIR sucks so we missed this)
Smith Hall for dinner-Finalists only
Social/game night as the nightcap at Hotel Capstone-Finalists only</p>

<p>Saturday-Finalists only
-breakfast at Hotel Capstone
-Meeting w/ Dept Chair
-Special Interest Meeting-Dr. Stephen Black
-INTERVIEW (I think this was the “serious” portion)
-Visit with Dean Halli
-Visit with Dr. Morgan
-lunch in Gorgas
-Visit with Dept Chair (Major #2)
-Discussion groups with Upper Class Fellows</p>

<p>My Finalist approved that I write a small commentary. From her perspective, after a frazzled day of travel, the reception was not conducive to a successful meet and greet. It was 3 separate rooms (think old building design). The rooms were small therefore crowded and difficult to move around. Dr. Nelson spoke for a brief time as well as Dr. Morgan.
The dinner was held in Smith Hall. She thought that the building was pretty cool (had a big dinosaur suspended from the ceiling). It was set up with several round tables and each consisted of 5 Finalists, 1 current Fellow, and 1 Faculty member. The entertainment was 2 bands (made up of current Fellows) and a live art demonstration. She was impressed with all of the entertainment. There was a jazz band playing during the dinner portion, unfortunately she was at Table 1 and was directly next to the band. She could only converse with the person directly to her left or right. I think she preferred to be able to interact with everyone at the table but she thoroughly enjoyed dinner conversation and entertainment.
After dinner, the Finalists were shuttled back to Hotel and instructed to meet in lobby for social/game night. They played Apples to Apples, Uno, Catch Phrase, etc. A few snacks, soda and water were available. Again, the room was outfitted with round tables. About 4 Fellows were in the room floating around. This was an opportunity to meet different people than she had met at the reception and dinner. Everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves.
Saturday was a full day. The Finalists crisscrossed campus depending on their specific schedules that were given upon arrival Friday. Unfortunately, the rain started about 10a and continued through Sunday. It didn’t seem to bother her too much but she was cold.
Her take on the meetings were very positive.
She enjoyed hearing Dr. Black and Dr. Halli discuss more in depth their respective areas of expertise. I think both Dept. Chairs were relatively new (a year or two at UA). Dr. Morgan is always a treat. She thinks Dr. Morgan is as near an angel as a human being can be. Some of the meetings were in a small group setting and some were alone.
The Finalists that stayed overnight Saturday went to Mugshots for a late dinner (very late, it took an hour and a half to be seated). At Mugshots, she met more Finalists and Fellows for the first time. Mugshots is one of her favs so she didn’t mind hanging out to be seated and socialize with everyone. She did say that “true colors” were emerging at game night (think very competitive) and at dinner (due to long wait; impatient/grumbly). They were all mentally exhausted from non-stop activities.
Honestly, this seemed like one of the more important gatherings. It was late. They were tired. This is the situation that nobody likes but how you deal with it is the true test. I don’t necessarily believe that it “was a set-up” but it happened. Some people deal with stress and fatigue differently than others. How well do you play in the sandbox type of situation.
Overall, it was a very positive weekend and she had a smile on her face when we left. Not from leaving but from relief that the weekend had finally come and gone. I didn’t ask her any questions because I knew there was so much to internalize and replay. It trickled out on our long disastrous flight home (we had many many hours of sitting in crappy airports). Little bits here and there as they popped into her mind.
I’ve heard her retell the weekend events a few times now and she always has a smile on her face. It was a great opportunity and she truly appreciated being a part of such an incredible group of peers. Either way, she’ll definitely stay in contact with several Finalists that she met throughout the weekend.</p>

<p>OK…was that what you were looking for? :wink: If not, just disregard. I haven’t quite straightened my brain out. I’m typing as she provides info.</p>

<p>CBHP acceptances went out:</p>


<p>from searching older posts…</p>

<p>DS had a blast although not terribly confident about his interview - small room, big anxiety. Many thanks to the darling CBHP girl (wherever you are!) who pep-talked him afterwards, he is feeling much more hopeful at present. When I teased him about not being seated at the ‘smart’ table, with Dr. Sharpe, he countered that he had the <em>fun</em> table, and wouldn’t have wanted to be anywhere else. I have a feeling most, if not all the candidates felt that way - he liked every Finalist and CBHPer he met. I don’t think he was expecting the event to be so enjoyable - I understand there was an <em>extremely</em> entertaining charades event, as well. He’s convinced Alabama is the place for him, and if he garners a spot in the CBHP program, I believe he will have officially achieved Nirvana. (At such a young age, too.) Congratulations to all the Finalists - I wish everybody could make it - and thank you current CBHP members, apparently you <em>all</em> rock. AND a most grateful shout-out to whoever decided the event dress code as ‘Jeans Casual’…</p>

<p>To all the attendees…</p>

<p>Don’t forget to send thank yous to the appropriate people…and be sure to mention a few highlights of your weekend.</p>


<p>My son is under the impression that CBHP decisions will go out before spring break at UA, and if he has not heard by then, he should call to inquire. Given the way he explained this to me , I suspect he asked this question directly. </p>

<p>He also said that he was considering joining a fraternity, but if he is invited to join CBHP, he feels that would provide him the sense of community he would get from a fraternity, and joining one would not be necessary. Of course the option would still be on the table. </p>

<p>He is slowly releasing more and more info as he processes the visit. </p>

<p>Sent from my DROID RAZR using CC</p>

<p>Great responses so far! I finally had a chance to chat with my D last night about her experience. She had a blast with your sons and daughters at the social event after the dinner on Sunday and actually led a bunch over to the Ridgecrest South for a tour of the dorm. On Monday she was part of 6 interviews on panel with Dr. Sharpe and another CBHP student. By and large, she indicated that all but one of the interviews went extremely well. One however struggled, seemed disinterested, almost as if he was just going through the motions. She would have loved to continue to do more, but had to leave for classes. All told, she said the 50-ish prospects seemed like a great group, and she thinks more girls than last year. Really an amazing experience for a Freshman to get involved. She should hear this week if she’s been chosen as an Ambassador … keeping my fingers crossed for her! Good luck to all the applicants. Roll Tide!</p>

<p>Sorry this isnt more in depth, but I attended both weekends and I can easily say that I was able to make friends that I will hopefully keep all the way to Alabama. Everyone was so sweet and so inviting. I guess it is true what they say about southern hospitality. </p>

<p>I can speak to some of this though.</p>

<p>I thought Dr. Halli and Dr. Morgan (along with Dr. Nelson, whom I only had the chance to meet with briefly) were incredible during the UFE weekend. I could not have possibly asked for more. I sat with Dr. Morgan at the dinner after the reception and had an amazing time with her and the fellows. Dr. Halli also conducted my CBHP interview and he was just amazing during his speech (he used the Beowulf reference “And bid him do again” as a constant motif).</p>

<p>Saturday was spectacular. My escort was a current freshman who was involved in both programs and was so much fun. Every fellow we met said I reminded them of him…which i guess is a good thing :D. </p>

<p>Dr. Dixon is an amazingly brilliant man (chemistry professor) and as he showed me around the departments labs, I couldnt help but be in awe of his and others current research. I even got to see an indepth analysis of my escorts current research. So cool.</p>

<p>All of the fellows were amazing. The interviews were a little bit nerve wreking, but everyone was so cool and collected that I settled right in and just tried to be myself. (though their questions about medical ethics were tough!)</p>

<p>I also met with the pre-med advisor at UA and met with Dr. Morgan once more. Everyone was so amazing and basically convinced me 100% that Bama would always have my back. </p>

<p>I can speak to both Mugshots and the Charades game as well. </p>

<p>Mugshots was great. Delicious as ever and those fried pickles? Give me a break! They were so good. But as Asuanmom said, I could see peoples true colors show. Everyone started cramming into the little restaurant to get out of the “cold”, but me and a few other finalists, along with several fellows, stayed outside because we didnt want to overcrowd them. I ended up giving my jacket to another finalist. Hopefully that went over well XP. However, all in all, the night was great. We all had fun, had some great conversation, and though a few finalists did shove their way in and maybe whine a bit, once everyone was full, everyone was happy.</p>

<p>That next day was nice too. We all had some down time, so a few of us walked around campus for a bit. But then it was back to business–CBHP style. (Thank god for jeans casual).</p>

<p>The fellows who stayed over immediately started meeting the new finalists and struck up conversation because we knew how awkward the first meeting was. Everyone was super nice and quickly became friends. </p>

<p>We were quickly wisked away to a bus tour that ended at the Cypress Inn Loft where everyone had a great dinner. I sat with Dr. Sharpe and Dr. Randall–both of whom blew me away. They are incredible. </p>

<p>Now Charades…boy that was interesting…It started off with a few finalists playing cards…then it turned into us playing charades…then it turned into CBHPers coming in and becoming the judges and the ones who made up the words! So much fun…we didnt even go to bed until 1 in the morning! </p>

<p>The next day was bittersweet. It was gorgeous, no doubt, 65-70 degrees and sunny. I just didnt want to leave. After my interview with Dr. Halli and a few other meetings (such as with Mrs. Florey who was delightful), me and some new found friends literally layed out on the quad and were even mistaken for UA students three times. </p>

<p>It was the life. </p>

<p>Anyway, all in all, I had an incredible experience. I am definitely writing my thank you notes right now because everyone i came into contact with was just about as perfect as possible. I hope I made a good impression, and I really hope that I get chosen…I cannot even put into words how grateful i am to the staff and students of UA. It was an amazing weekend and is one i will not soon forget.</p>

<p>met…what a lovely post.</p>


<p>So glad to read of so many happy and fulfilling visits!</p>

<p>met and asa … thank you for such thorough and thoughtful responses. I hope you know how helpful that is for those lurking, and for those that will be following this process even next year in understanding what they may expect. From my perspective having my daughter go through the same process last year, these kinds of responses actually bring a tear to my eye … in the pride that I carry for the wonderful community and university that my D chose to attend. It never ceases to amaze me the wonderful job that EVERYONE involved brings! Roll Tide!</p>

<p>Being a Tuscaloosa native it seems like I’ve attended countless campus visits and I’ve had the honor of sitting down with various faculty members, but I can say that none of those experiences had such an immense amount of positive impression on me as UFE weekend. I can say that the days following this wonderful weekend have seen a couple UFE finalists post status on Facebook stating there a 100% committed to the UA. I’m so glad to be one those people!</p>

<p>I’ve seen several parents post about having quiet kids, and I hope this post will be beneficial as I’definitelyly one who is content with standing in the background. My approach to the weekend was to be outgoing and actively engaged, but I never released that there would be no effort in this task. There is no such thing as a shy kid during UFE weekend! I went the route of rooming with another finalist and we were actually almost late getting down to the buses because we got lost in some conversation. This was my introduction to the Fellows weekend and it only went up from there.</p>

<p>I will say that thinitialal moments at the reception were uncomfortable as you could sense a bit of nervousness. This was actually our first chance to truly interact with current Fellows. This hour long event flew by! Within the first five minutes, myself and several other finalist sparked up a conversation with a Freshman Fellow and we kept it going for a good 30 minutes. It literally took a dry mouth to finally escape and talk with others. I will say that the reception was a trickenviromentnt to talk in, as there was one centeral room where most of the people crowded. There was so many voices speaking at once that it took shouting to simply be heard. Though, regardless the reception is only predecessoror to the inspiring week that was to follow.</p>

<p>Dinner was outstanding. The company, the food, the entertainment was all extraordinary. I was seated at a table with four other finalist and two current fellows. I don’t think the conversation ever stopped. There was somtragedyty in the seating arrangement as I just happened to be seated near the one other International Studies major, as well as a Fellow who’d spent significant time abroad. I also know that there was aengineeringng table. My favorite part of the evening was at the conclusion, we were welcomed to Fellows weekend. (Realize that this at nine o’clock at night and I’d arrived nearly five hours before.) This dinnedefinitelyly helped me shed any sense of anxiety.</p>

<p>Game night followed which was a great way to unwind, though I was so exhausted I don’t recall half the details. We went back up to our rooms around 11:30. The next morning was slightly more quite then the evening before, just because I think some people were still waking up and others were nervous about the interviews that were suppose to happen later on. I will say that the pace of the day picked up once we met with our escorts and began roaming the campus according to ouindividualizeded schedules. The escorts did an AMAZING job and we we stragicallyly partnered with a perosn who had similar goals and interests as us. Also, simply because you were paired with one escort, it didn’t mean that other Fellows didn’t speak with you throughout the day. I was never without company and I don’t think I’ve ever met so many inspiring people! All in all the day was eventful and exhausting, but completely life-changing. I personally got the chance to meet with department chairs and directors of various programs that I found highly exciting. There is an evident care in the scheduling of our appointments, and I enjoyed every single one of my meetings! The best, by far, was sitting down with Dr. Morgan and Dr. Halli. I got to speak with them directly following my interview and I consider those two meetings the highlight of my entire weekend! Both of them having stunning personalities and really have a niche for giving you personal attention…</p>

<p>Now, the interview… if you can even call it that. I’m sure we spent more time laughing then actually asnwering questions. I had three people interview me - a Freshman Fellow, a senior Fellow, and a faculty member. The layout was completely conversational and I recieved few difficult questions. In fact, most of my questions were simple in comparison to other finalists, though I think they were looking for unique answers which I hopefully gave. The 30 minutes flew by and I was almost sad to go as I was enjoying myself so much!</p>

<p>I did attend the dinner at Mugshots and I can also say that this was one of the better experiences of the entire weekend. With all the interviews out of the way, everyone finally got a chance to be themselves. I will agree that “true colors” came out which showed both favorable and unfavorable qualities, but the dinner was completely worthwhile. And so was the hour and a half wait. I got the chance to talk with several people I hadn’t gotten the chance to meet in the weekend’s former events. I also got to try fried pickles for the first time!</p>

<p>The weekened was absoultely fansatic and as mentioned towards the beginning, it made up several minds. I will say that the worst part of the weekend was having to go home. We were treated like royalty and kept in constant conversation!</p>

<p>Is the parent of the female student that has the same first and last name on this thread?? My son found her to be delightful if so!! </p>

<p>Sorry so many little posts, my son is one of those that slowly releases info, he does not give info in one big gush!LOL</p>


<p>Are you asking about L L??? If so, I think her last name is a married name…unless you’re talking about someone else.</p>