CC Summer Session '11

<p>S2 received notice he's admitted to the summer session! :) We're thrilled. Looks like he's going to have a fantastic summer.</p>

<p>Which summer block is he doing?</p>

<p>Block C. Starts the second week in July.</p>

<p>Would love to hear any feedback on this year’s summer session from any students or parents. Haven’t heard much from my son; will have to get the full story when he gets back.</p>

<p>Let us know how your son liked his summer class if you get the chance!!</p>

<p>Son loved his time at CC. Got a glimpse of the outdoor activities Colorado offers (which is to say, “Wow!”). Especially liked the other kids he met, both CC students and the pre-college kids. Terrific introduction to what the block plan is all about and the flexibility it offers for the right type of kid. His class spent time in the field, and he said that he put in lots of hours in class related activities, often till into the night, but never felt that he was under any stress. He’s definitely going to apply.</p>

<p>Great! Glad he enjoyed it.</p>